Ashley Wood, RN, BSN

Neck Pain – Podcast

What is causing it? Unfortunately, you’ve probably experienced neck pain at some point in your life, which means that you know how much it can hurt. If you’re aching, your primary concern is to get it to stop. How can you do this? What causes...

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Neck Pain

What is causing it? Unfortunately, you’ve probably experienced neck pain at some point in your life, which means you know how much it can hurt. If you’re aching, your primary concern is to get it to stop. How can you do this? What causes the soreness in the first...

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Frostbite – Podcast

Is that why your fingers are blue? You’re enjoying a walk outside, but after a little while, your fingers start to tingle and feel slightly numb. You don’t have anything to cover your hands with, so by the time you get back inside, your hands are very red with some...

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Is that why your fingers are blue? You’re enjoying a walk outside, but after a little while, your fingers start to tingle and feel slightly numb. You don’t have anything to cover your hands with, so by the time you get back inside, your hands are very red with some...

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Does Immigration Impact Healthcare?

Does Immigration Impact Healthcare?

The recent discussions about immigration, deportation, and travel bans bring forth many questions. Some people are concerned about themselves or their family members being deported or family members not being allowed to come to the United States. Others are worried...

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Binge Eating Disorder – Podcast

Why can’t you stop eating? We’ll all have our favorite foods that we enjoy. While it’s alright to partake in the occasional overindulgence, if you’re doing this on a regular basis, it can signify a problem. If you’re consuming large quantities of food and feel...

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Binge Eating Disorder

Why can’t you stop eating? We’ll all have our favorite foods that we enjoy. While it’s alright to partake in the occasional overindulgence, if you’re doing this regularly, it can signify a problem. If you’re consuming large quantities of food and feel like you can’t...

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What’s wrong with your lungs? For the past several years, you’ve noticed that you get short of breath when you do certain activities. No big deal, you just stopped doing them. Now, it seems like you’re short of breath all the time. What’s happening? Can it be treated?...

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4 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

4 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

When you think about food, you usually think about what you will eat next or what you might need from the grocery store. Most of the time, none of us think about the amount of food wasted daily. If you stop to think about it for a moment, how often do you throw away...

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Emphysema – Podcast

What's wrong with your lungs? For the past several years, you’ve noticed that you get short of breath when you do certain activities. No big deal, you just stopped doing them. Now, it seems like you’re short of breath all the time. What’s happening? Can it be...

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Raynaud’s Disorder – Podcast

Why are your fingers blue? The weather has turned colder, which means that it’s time to bundle up before you head outside. For most people, this is enough to keep them warm. For some, despite doing this, it’s not enough to keep their fingers and toes warm, which...

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Raynaud’s Disorder

Why are your fingers blue? The weather has turned colder, so it’s time to bundle up before heading outside. For most people, this is enough to keep them warm. Despite doing this, it’s not enough for some to keep their fingers and toes warm, which can result in them...

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Plantar Fasciitis – Podcast

Why is your foot hurting? You wake up one morning and notice that you have sharp pain in the bottom of your foot. As you make your way to the bathroom to get ready for work, you notice that the pain starts to ease up and eventually goes away. You assume it was a...

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Plantar Fasciitis

Why is your foot hurting? You wake up one morning and notice you have a sharp pain in the bottom of your foot. As you make your way to the bathroom to get ready for work, you realize the pain is starting to ease up and eventually goes away. You assume it was a cramp...

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Is Alcohol Healthy?

Is Alcohol Healthy?

Is any amount of alcohol good? Most people partake in having an alcoholic beverage at some point. Some people only drink on special occasions. Other people drink only a few times a year or a few times a month. Some drink only on weekends, and others have a glass of...

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RSV – Podcast

Why is your child having trouble breathing? You wake up one morning and find that your infant daughter is congested. At first, you don’t think too much about it because your 3-year-old son has had a cold the past few days. A day goes by and you notice that it seems...

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Why is your child having trouble breathing? You wake up one morning and find that your infant daughter is congested. At first, you don’t think too much about it because your 3-year-old son has had a cold the past few days. A day goes by, and you notice that your...

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Erectile Dysfunction – Podcast

It's more common than you think! It’s not uncommon for most people to not always be in the mood when their partner is and this can contribute to erectile dysfunction. While this is completely normal, if you’re experiencing this frequently, it can be a sign that...

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Erectile Dysfunction Syndrome

It’s more common than you think! It’s not uncommon for most people to not always be in the mood when their partner is, which can contribute to erectile dysfunction. While this is entirely normal, if you’re experiencing this frequently, it can be a sign that there’s...

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What’s causing the rash? When you were a child, you remember having itchy areas on your skin but didn’t know what it was from. As an adult, you wake up one morning and find that on one of your arms, near your elbow, you have a spot of red skin with small bumps that...

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Eczema – Podcast

What's causing the rash? When you were a child, you remember having itchy areas on your skin, but didn’t really know what it was from. As an adult, you wake up one morning and find that on one of your arms, near your elbow, you have a spot of skin that is red with...

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Bone Spurs – Podcast

What are they? You might’ve heard your elderly relatives talking at some point about bone spurs, but probably didn’t know what they were. Is it something you should be concerned about? How common are they? What type of treatment do they require? Is there anything...

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Bone Spurs

What are they? You might’ve heard your elderly relatives talking at some point about bone spurs but probably didn’t know what they were. Is it something you should be concerned about? How common are they? What type of treatment do they require? Is there anything you...

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Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

What is it? If you have young children, you probably have heard of hand-foot-mouth disease since it’s common for them to catch it. However, it can happen in adults. Just last summer, a professional baseball player contracted it. So, what is it, and what causes it? How...

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Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease – Podcast

What is it? If you have young children, you probably have heard of hand-foot-mouth disease since it’s common for them to catch it. However, it can happen in adults. Just last summer, a professional baseball player contracted it. So, what is it and what causes it?...

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Do Essential Oils Work?

Do Essential Oils Work?

Everywhere you turn there seems to be a new essential oil company. While this may be the latest craze in the past few years, not everyone is convinced that they are effective at doing what companies claim. What are essential oils? What are they used for? Do they...

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Uterine Fibroids

What causes them? Most women have some form of cramping, back pain, and bleeding during their menstrual cycle. What does it mean if you have heavy bleeding, your period lasts longer than a week, and pelvic pain that doesn’t go away? Is it something serious? How can it...

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Uterine Fibroids – Podcast

What causes them? Most women have some form of cramping, back pain and bleeding with their menstrual cycle. What does it mean if you have heavy bleeding, your period lasts longer than a week, pelvic pain that doesn’t go away? Is it something serious? How can it be...

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Celiac Disease

Why can’t you eat gluten? You’ve probably heard of a gluten-free diet. For some people, it’s something to try because it’s the latest health craze. For others, it’s not just a diet; it’s a necessity. Individuals who have celiac disease must follow a gluten-free diet...

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Celiac Disease – Podcast

Why can’t you eat gluten? You’ve probably heard of a gluten free diet. For some people, it’s something to try because it’s the latest health craze. For others, it’s not just a diet, it’s a necessity. Individuals who have celiac disease must follow a gluten free...

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Tips for Practicing Mindfulness

Tips for Practicing Mindfulness

Every where you look, you are being told to be mindful about something. Be mindful while eating. Be mindful while exercising. Be mindful while washing your car. Be mindful while showering. What exactly is mindfulness? Why should we be doing it all the time?...

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Why is it so bad? One morning, your son wakes up and tells you that he has a sore throat and it hurts to swallow. You look in his mouth and notice that the back of his throat looks red and swollen. So, you take him to the doctor, who tells you your son has...

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Tonsillitis – Podcast

Why is it so bad? One morning, your son wakes up and tells you that he has a sore throat and it hurts to swallow. You look in his mouth and notice that the back of his throat looks really red and swollen. So, you take him to the doctor and they tell you that your son...

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West Nile Virus

Is it that dangerous? Being outside is one of the best things; however, with it comes our least favorite pests…mosquitoes! While they can carry a variety of diseases, some can be more serious than others. Which category does the West Nile virus fall under? How can you...

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West Nile Virus – Podcast

Is it that dangerous? Summer is right around the corner and with it comes our least favorite pests…mosquitoes! While they can carry a variety of diseases, some can be more serious than others. Which category does the West Nile virus fall under? How can you tell if...

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Why is Parental Leave Not a Standard?

Why is Parental Leave Not a Standard?

You are expecting a baby and couldn’t be more excited! Once your baby arrives, you definitely want to be able to spend time with him or her. Here in the United States, you will be able to take time off, but most likely, it will not be paid. We are the only...

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Concussion – Podcast

How serious are they? It’s the time of year when you want to be outside enjoying your favorite summertime activities. For most of us, this means doing things that require us to be physically active. While this is great for your health, it can put you at an...

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How serious are they? It’s the time of year when you want to be outside enjoying your favorite summertime activities. For most of us, this means doing things that require us to be physically active. While this is great for your health, it can put you at an increased...

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Mononucleosis – Podcast

Can you really getting it from kissing? When most people hear the word mononucleosis, they probably think of teenagers and kissing. While this might be accurate most of the time, adults and young children can get it too. Also, kissing isn’t the only way it can be...

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Can you really get it from kissing? When most people hear the word mononucleosis, they probably think of teenagers and kissing. While this might be accurate most of the time, adults and young children can get it too. Also, kissing isn’t the only way it can be spread....

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Health News September 2022

-4 exercises that can prevent (and relieve!) pain from computer slouching and more – NPR
-How ‘Micro-Breaks’ Can Help You Feel Better at Work – TIME
-U.S. Plans Shift to Annual Covid Shots as New Boosters Roll Out – The Wall Street Journal
-Juul to pay $439 million in settlement over marketing to teens – The Washington Post

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Bipolar – Podcast

Why are you having mood swings? We all have moments when we are happy and moments when we are sad. Most of the time, we are able to function every day without either of these effecting us too much. What if you go back and forth between these two extremes frequently?...

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Why is Fentanyl Such a Problem?

Why is Fentanyl Such a Problem?

The opioid crisis has been going on for several years. However, in the past few years, there’s been a lot of talk about fentanyl and its impact on the crisis. With the Covid-19 pandemic, it seems to have only gotten worse. So, what is fentanyl? Why is it all of a...

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Why are you having mood swings? We all have moments when we are happy and moments when we are sad. Most of the time, we can function every day without either of these affecting us too much. What if you go back and forth between these two extremes frequently? While...

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Is Omicron Milder? Should You Get Boosted?

When the Omicron subvariant of the Covid-19 virus came on the scene, it didn’t follow the pattern that scientists came to expect. In earlier surges, two or three weeks after cases spike, hospitalizations and deaths rose as well. With Omicron, both increased, but more...

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Arrhythmias – Podcast

Why is your heart rhythm different? An arrhythmia isn’t something that you usually have to worry about. Some of them can occur without you even knowing you have one. Others are life-threatening and need immediate medical treatment. What exactly is an arrhythmia?...

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Why is your heart rhythm different? An arrhythmia isn’t something that you usually have to worry about. Some can occur without you even knowing you have one. Others are life-threatening and need immediate medical treatment. What exactly is an arrhythmia? How do you...

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Sleep Apnea – Podcast

Why is your snoring a problem? When you hear the term sleep apnea, you probably think of someone who snores loudly at night. Sure, this is annoying, especially for family members, but it can be a serious medical problem. How do you know if you have sleep apnea? What...

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Does Food Influence Your Immune System?

Does Food Influence Your Immune System?

When it’s flu season or if ill, people often seek something that will prevent getting sick or help them recover faster, turning to special foods or vitamin supplements that are believed to boost immunity. However, the immune system is complex and affected by many...

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Sleep Apnea

Why is your snoring a problem? When you hear the term sleep apnea, you probably think of someone who snores loudly at night. Sure, this is annoying, especially for family members, but it can be a serious medical problem. How do you know if you have sleep apnea? What...

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Alcohol Abuse – Podcast

How to recognize the signs? Most people partake in drinking alcohol at some point in their lives. While an occasional drink isn’t a problem, it can become one if your drinking gets out of hand. How do you know if you have a problem related to alcohol use? What can...

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Alcohol Abuse

How to recognize the signs? Most people partake in drinking alcohol at some point in their lives. While an occasional drink isn’t a problem, it can become one if your drinking gets out of hand. How do you know if you have a problem related to alcohol use? What can you...

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Addiction – Podcast

Why is it so powerful? When most people hear the word addiction, their first thought is that a person has problems with drugs. This is especially true now more than ever thanks to the opioid epidemic. However, addiction doesn’t just apply to drugs, but can be a...

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Why is it so powerful? When most people hear the word addiction, their first thought is that a person has problems with drugs. This is especially true now more than ever, thanks to the opioid epidemic. However, addiction doesn’t just apply to drugs but can be a number...

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Health News August 2022

-How to protect the people you care about from extreme heat – NPR
-Polio Fears Rise in New York Amid Possible Community Spread – TIME
-Senate Democrats pass sweeping healthcare, tax and climate bill – Los Angeles Times
-Illinois health insurers propose price increases for Affordable Care Act exchange plans – Chicago Tribune
-Are there monkeypox myths? A Miami Doctor breaks down disease fact and fiction – Miami Herald
-As children’s ADHD diagnoses rise, parents discover they have it, too – The Washington Post

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Cough – Podcast

How do you know if it is serious? You wake up in the morning and notice that your throat seems dry and scratchy. The next thing you know you start coughing. After about a minute, your throat clears, the coughing stops and you feel better. What causes this to happen?...

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How do you know if it is serious? You wake up in the morning and notice that your throat seems dry and scratchy. The next thing you know, you start coughing. After about a minute, your throat clears, the coughing stops, and you feel better. What causes this to happen?...

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Cellulitis – Podcast

How serious is it? One day while you are drying off from your shower, you notice that there is swollen, red area on your ankle. It is slightly tender when you touch it, but otherwise isn’t too bad. You go about your day and notice there is a nagging aching in your...

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Can Sickle Cell Be Cured?

Can Sickle Cell Be Cured?

If you have or know someone with sickle cell disease, you know how debilitating it can be. Research into the condition has been going on for many years. Just recently, new data shows that a cure might be possible. Is this true? If so, what does it look like? How soon...

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How serious is it? One day while you are drying off from your shower, you notice a swollen, red area on your ankle. It’s slightly tender when you touch it but otherwise isn’t too bad. You go about your day and notice a nagging aching in your ankle, but you don’t think...

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Doctor Specialties – Podcast

Why are there so many of them? You are having a problem with your foot, so you go to your doctor and they recommend that you go to a specialist. Should you see a podiatrist, an orthopedist or an orthopedic surgeon? This variety in specialization occurs throughout all...

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Doctor Specialties

Why are there so many of them? You are having a problem with your foot, so you go to your doctor, who recommends you go to a specialist. Should you see a podiatrist, an orthopedist, or an orthopedic surgeon? This variety in specialization occurs throughout all areas...

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Lice – Podcast

What are those white spots on your head? While you are picking your son up from school, he says that his head has been really itchy all day. When you get home, you take a look at his head and notice small, white dots scattered throughout his hair. You take him to the...

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Does Taking Ecstasy Help PTSD?

Does Taking Ecstasy Help PTSD?

PTSD can be debilitating for those who experience it. To help individuals with the disorder, many studies are ongoing for various treatment options. Recently, a breakthrough has occurred with one of these studies. It involves individuals with PTSD taking MDMA, or...

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What are those white spots on your head? While you are picking your son up from school, he says his head has been really itchy all day. When you get home, you look at his head and notice small, white dots scattered throughout his hair. You take him to the doctor and...

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Health News July 2022

-Emergency contraception: How it works, how effective it is and how to get it – NPR
-Ultra-contagious BA.4, BA.5 subvariants fuel coronavirus spread across much of California – Los Angeles Times
-After overturn of Roe, Illinois abortion clinics say more medical providers are urgently needed to meet out-of-state demand – Chicago Tribune
-Injunction blocking new Florida abortion law short-lived, as state appeals – Miami Herald
-How Delta-8 THC Works — and Why Experts Are Worried About It – The New York Times
-Acupuncture could reduce tension headaches by half – The Washington Post

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Kidney Infection – Podcast

Is it serious? You’ve had some burning when you urinate and been prescribed antibiotics by your doctor for a urinary tract infection. A few days go by and you’re still not feeling better. In fact, your back is starting to hurt worse. You go back to your doctor...

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Kidney Infection

Is it serious? You’ve had some burning when urinating and been prescribed antibiotics by your doctor for a urinary tract infection. A few days go by, and you’re still not feeling better. In fact, your back is starting to hurt worse. You go back to your doctor and find...

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Spider Bites

What do you need to know? With summer just around the corner, it is time to get ready to enjoy the sunny weather outside. Most of us have specific things we want to do during the summer, and being bitten by a spider is definitely not on that list. Unfortunately, it...

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Spider Bites – Podcast

What do you need to know? With summer just around the corner, it is time to get ready to be outside enjoying the sunny weather. Most of us have specific things we want to do during the summer and being bitten by a spider is definitely not on that list. Unfortunately,...

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Is Food Insecurity a Problem?

Is Food Insecurity a Problem?

When you think of food insecurity, most likely you think of developing countries and poor children running around without clothes. However, it’s much closer to home than you probably realize. Did you know that food insecurity affects many people across the country?...

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Why is it important? You might have heard the word thyroid before, especially in relation to having hypothyroidism. There are commercials on television advertising medication to help combat this. So, what is your thyroid, and why is it important? What happens when it...

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Thyroid – Podcast

Why is it important? You might have heard the word thyroid before, especially in relation to having hypothyroidism. There are commercials on television advertising medication to help combat this. So, what is your thyroid and why is it important? What happens when it...

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What is your body doing? You’re sick, and it doesn’t seem too bad at first, but suddenly, it seems that your body isn’t fighting the infection as well as it usually does. What is going on? Why isn’t your body doing its job of fighting off the illness? Should you go to...

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Sepsis – Podcast

What is your body doing? You’re sick and it doesn’t seem too bad at first, but all of sudden, it seems that your body isn’t fighting the infection as well as it normally does. What is going on? Why isn’t your body doing its job of fighting off the illness? Should...

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Health News June 2022

-Thousands of kids are getting sick from downing melatonin pills – NPR
-Weight Loss Surgery Is Linked to a Dramatic Drop in Cancer Risk: Study – TIME
-Guns now the leading cause of death for children as firearm-related fatalities soar in US and Illinois: ‘It’s a horrifying and terrible trend’ – Chicago Tribune
-Pfizer Asks FDA to Authorize Its Covid-19 Vaccine for Children Under 5 – The Wall Street Journal
-Baby formula plant at heart of shortage reopens – The Washington Post

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New Research Sheds Some Light On Long Covid

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study last Tuesday that found one in five adults under 65 and one in four adults over 65 may develop long Covid. People in both groups had twice the risk of uninfected people of developing respiratory...

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Outdoor Survival

Do you have what it takes? While most of us like spending some time outside, it’s usually on our own terms. When you plan on participating in activities outdoors, you typically try to bring everything you might need. What happens if you find yourself stranded in a...

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Outdoor Survival – Podcast

Do you have what it takes? While most of us like spending some time outside, but it is usually on our own terms. When you plan on participating in activities outside, typically, you try to bring everything that you might need. What happens if you find yourself...

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What happens to your brain? Everyone forgets things once in a while, such as where you placed your keys, why you were going into a room, and so forth. As you age, this is no different. The difference for people with Alzheimer’s is that this happens with increasing...

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Alzheimer’s – Podcast

What happens to your brain? Everyone forgets things once in a while, such as where you placed your keys, why you were going in a room to do something, and so forth. As you age, this is no different. The difference for the people with Alzheimer’s is that this...

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Does Obesity Medication Work?

Does Obesity Medication Work?

We all know that obesity is on the rise across the country. This has led to many different trends related to losing weight. Unfortunately, all of them aren’t effective, and many aren’t safe. Recently, a new medication has been advertised as a specific treatment for...

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What is happening to your bones? You’ve probably seen in television commercials how elderly people are at increased risk for broken bones if they fall. Typically, this is caused by osteoporosis. What is this? Why does it happen? Can you prevent it? Definition...

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Osteoporosis – Podcast

What is happening to your bones? You’ve probably see in television commercials how elderly people are at increased risk for broken bones if they happen to fall. Typically, this is caused by osteoporosis. What is this? Why does it happen? Can you prevent it?...

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What do you need to know? Most of us probably prefer not talking about STDs, but it is something that everyone needs the correct information about in order to be protected. While some STDs are more serious than others, no one wants to have one. This is why protection...

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STD – Podcast

What do you need to know? Most of us probably prefer not talking about STDs, but it is something that everyone needs the correct information about in order to be protected. While some STDs are more serious than others, no one wants to have one. This is why protection...

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How is Social Media Impacting Health?

How is Social Media Impacting Health?

It seems like people are on their phones doing something everywhere you look. Most of the time, it’s related to social media. While the concept of social media was to help people remain and create connections with others, the data shows that spending time on these...

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Why don’t you have enough blood? You’ve probably heard the word anemia before and might know that it has something to do with your blood, but what does it actually mean? What causes it? Is it something serious that needs immediate treatment or a chronic condition?...

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Anemia – Podcast

Why don’t you have enough blood? You’ve probably heard the word anemia before and might know that it has something to do with your blood, but what does it actually mean? What causes it? Is it something serious that needs immediate treatment or a chronic...

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Health News May 2022

-How paying attention can help you appreciate what’s right in front of you – NPR
-Here we go again: California coronavirus cases rising. Is a new wave coming soon? – Los Angeles Times
-Supreme Court Is Investigating Leak of Draft Opinion Overruling Roe v. Wade – The Wall Street Journal
-Why Do Carbs Give Me Headaches? – The New York Times
-Nearly 15 million deaths related to covid-19, WHO estimates – The Washington Post

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Covid Deaths Rising in the Vaccinated

Throughout the pandemic, the unvaccinated have counted for most of the deaths. However, recent data indicates that is changing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released nationwide statistics showing vaccinated individuals made up 42% of the deaths...

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Shingles – Podcast

What is going on? One day, you start having this pain on one of your sides, just below your rib cage, starting in your back and wrapping around to the front. It’s very painful, but you don’t notice anything wrong in the area, so you put up with the pain and go...

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What is going on? One day, you start having this pain on one of your sides, just below your rib cage, starting in your back and wrapping around to the front. It’s very painful, but you don’t notice anything wrong in the area, so you put up with the pain and go about...

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Why is Sitting Too Much Bad for You?

Why is Sitting Too Much Bad for You?

You’ve probably heard that sitting too much isn’t good for your health. However, given our lifestyle nowadays, many people spend significant amounts of time doing precisely that! You might be wondering, what harm does sitting too much cause? What steps can you take to...

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To Mask, or Not to Mask?

Last week, in response to the rise in the BA.2 subvariant of the Omicron Covid-19 variant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) extended the mask mandate for flying commercially and other public transit, like buses, subways, and ferries, through at...

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Spinal Cord Injury

What happens if you have one? You’re out working in your yard and decide that you need to trim some branches off one of the trees. You grab your ladder, climb up to the right spot, and get to work. The next you know, you wake up in the hospital to find that it’s...

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Spinal Cord Injury – Podcast

What happens if you have one? You’re out working in your yard and decide that you need to trim some branches off one of the trees. You grab your ladder, climb up to the right spot, and get to work. The next you know, you wake up in the hospital to find that it’s...

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Guillain-Barré Syndrome

How serious is it? You’ve noticed that your toes and ankles have had this weird prickling sensation for the past few days. This morning, you realized that your legs felt weak, and it continues to worsen throughout the day. You go to the doctor, and he suspects you...

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Guillain-Barré Syndrome – Podcast

How serious is it? You’ve noticed that your toes and ankles have had this weird prickling sensation for the past few days. This morning, you realized that your legs felt weak, and it continues to worsen throughout the day. You go to the doctor, and he suspects you...

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11 Health Benefits of Gardening

11 Health Benefits of Gardening

Many people like to garden because they like spending time outside and seeing their effort pay off when plants grow or enjoy eating vegetables and herbs that they produce. While all these are definitely positive outcomes, they aren’t the only ones you can experience....

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Will the Next Vaccine be a Nasal Spray?

The speed of the development of the coronavirus vaccines and their effectiveness in keeping people alive and out of the hospital is nothing short of remarkable. The vaccines even showed significant levels of protection against several variants of Covid-19. Then came...

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Meningitis – Podcast

How serious is it? When most people hear the word meningitis, they immediately think of a person having a life-threatening illness. Is this always the case? It really depends on which type of meningitis the person has. How many types are...

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How serious is it? When most people hear the word meningitis, they immediately think of a person having a life-threatening illness. Is this always the case? It really depends on which type of meningitis the person has. How many types are there? Which one should you be...

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Health News April 2022

-What to Know About the XE Variant – TIME
-How many COVID deaths are ‘acceptable’? Answer is key to moving to a post-pandemic world – Los Angeles Times
-COVID, cancer and overdoses: 2021 was the deadliest year in U.S. history – Chicago Tribune
-Covid-19 Pills to Become More Widely Available in U.S. – The Wall Street Journal
-Is 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day Enough? – The New York Times
-The next leap in coronavirus vaccine development could be a nasal spray – The Washington Post

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Torticollis – Podcast

What’s going on with your neck? You’ve had a minor cold for the past few days, so you don’t feel your best. When you woke up this morning, your neck was stiff and painful. Also, you can’t turn your head to the right. Concerned that something serious might be going on,...

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What’s going on with your neck? You’ve had a minor cold for the past few days, so you don’t feel your best. When you woke up this morning, your neck was stiff and painful. Also, you can’t turn your head to the right. Concerned that something serious might be going on,...

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Why Shouldn’t You Microwave Plastic?

Why Shouldn’t You Microwave Plastic?

More and more research is coming to light on just how bad plastics are not only for the environment but our bodies. One area of particular concern is when plastic containers are used to store food, especially if the food is warmed or cooked in these types of...

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Paget’s Disease of the Bone – Podcast

What does this do to your bones? For the past several mornings, you have been waking up with pain in your hip. No matter what you try, it won’t go away. You go to your doctor, and after several tests, he tells you that you have Paget’s disease of the bone. What is...

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Paget’s Disease of the Bone

What does this do to your bones? For the past several mornings, you have been waking up with pain in your hip. No matter what you try, it won’t go away. You go to your doctor, and after several tests, he tells you that you have Paget’s disease of the bone. What is...

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What is wrong with your toe? You get home from work and take off your shoes. As you relish the moment of your feet being free, you notice that the second toe on your right foot is curled up. After a few moments, it straightens. Over the next several days, this keeps...

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Hammertoe – Podcast

What is wrong with your toe? You get home from work and take off your shoes. As you relish the moment of your feet being free, you notice that the second toe on your right foot is curled up. After a few moments, it straightens. Over the next several days, this keeps...

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5 Benefits of Telemedicine

5 Benefits of Telemedicine

Most people had heard of telemedicine before the Covid-19 pandemic because it had been used sporadically. However, over the past couple of years, it’s come into widespread use for doctors to “see” patients without the risk of spreading the virus. Does this mean that...

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Hip Dysplasia

What’s wrong with your child’s hip? You take your infant daughter to the doctor for a wellness check. During the visit, the doctor does a physical exam. Afterward, she tells you that she thinks your daughter has hip dysplasia and recommends that she be treated. What...

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Hip Dysplasia – Podcast

What’s wrong with your child’s hip? You take your infant daughter to the doctor for a wellness check. During the visit, the doctor does a physical exam. Afterward, she tells you that she thinks your daughter has hip dysplasia and recommends that she be...

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Health News March 2022

-This form of memory loss is common — but most Americans don’t know about it – NPR
-COVID-19 is fading. But ending the health emergency could leave us vulnerable – Los Angeles Times
-Why the CDC says kids should get a COVID vaccine — despite what Florida says – Miami Herald
-How Long Should It Take to Grieve? Psychiatry Has Come Up With an Answer. – The New York Times
-Covid long-haulers face grueling fights for disability benefits – The Washington Post

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Sickle Cell

Why does it hurt so much? Most people know that sickle cell has something to do with blood not functioning properly. However, many people don’t know exactly what happens during a sickle cell crisis or who’s at risk for developing one. So, why does sickle cell occur?...

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What is Long COVID?

What is Long COVID?

When the Covid-19 pandemic started, everyone was worried about the immediate effects because they were so severe. After a while, many people who were sick got better. Unfortunately, some are still experiencing lasting side effects months, if not years, after. This has...

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Sickle Cell – Podcast

Why does it hurt so much? Most people know that sickle cell has something to do with blood not functioning properly. However, many people don’t know exactly what happens during a sickle cell crisis or who’s at risk for developing one. So, why does...

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Do You Need Another Covid Booster?

As new variants of Covid-19 keep emerging, many people are left wondering if they need another vaccine booster. According to several recent studies, two or three vaccines are enough to protect most people from severe illness and death for a long time. During the...

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Lymphedema – Podcast

What is causing the swelling? You’re visiting your grandfather after not seeing him for a while and notice that his left leg is swollen, and the skin looks different from his right leg. You ask him what’s going on, and he brushes you off. You insist on taking him to...

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What is causing the swelling? You’re visiting your grandfather after not seeing him for a while and notice that his left leg is swollen, and the skin looks different from his right leg. You ask him what’s going on, and he brushes you off. You insist on taking him to...

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Spider Veins – Podcast

What causes them to appear? In a few weeks, you’ll be going on vacation, and you can’t wait to get to the sunny island to enjoy some time on the beach. You’re at the store trying on some new clothes to take with you and notice that there are many small veins on your...

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Spider Veins

What causes them to appear? In a few weeks, you’ll be going on vacation, and you can’t wait to get to the sunny island to enjoy some time on the beach. You’re at the store trying on some new clothes to take with you and notice that there are many small veins on your...

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What Can mRNA Be Used For?

What Can mRNA Be Used For?

Recently, mRNA has been making headlines. The main reason is its potential to fight Covid-19. However, the more we’re beginning to investigate its possible uses, mRNA might be the answer we’re looking for to treat a variety of conditions. What exactly is mRNA? How can...

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SVT – Podcast

Why is your heart racing? You no sooner get to work in the morning, and your boss is yelling that you need to turn in the monthly report in an hour because he must talk about it on a conference call. You completely forgot that it was due today, and your stress level...

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Why is your heart racing? You no sooner get to work in the morning, and your boss is yelling that you need to turn in the monthly report in an hour because he must talk about it on a conference call. You completely forgot that it was due today, and your stress level...

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Health News February 2022

-Heartbroken? There’s a scientific reason why breaking up feels so rotten – NPR
-A drug for pregnant women doesn’t work, according to the FDA. A company is selling it anyway – Los Angeles Times
-Should doctors who spread false information about COVID-19 lose their medical licenses? Some states say yes, others say no – Chicago Tribune
-Got a Covid Booster? You Probably Won’t Need Another for a Long Time – The New York Times
-N95, KN95 masks provide best protection against covid, CDC study shows – The Washington Post

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New Alzheimer’s Research Providing Hope

New Alzheimer’s Research Providing Hope

When it comes to Alzheimer’s disease, there hasn’t been much in the way of treating or preventing it. The lack of information has led to many scientists studying the condition. In recent months, new data has come to light that indicates the disease might not be such a...

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Cold Sores – Podcast

What causes them? One day you’re going about your normal activities when you notice that your lips seem to have a tingling, itching sensation. It’s not really bothersome, so you don’t think much about it. A few days later, you notice that some blisters appear...

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Cold Sores

What causes them? One day you’re going about your normal activities when you notice that your lips seem to have a tingling, itching sensation. It’s not really bothersome, so you don’t think much about it. A few days later, you notice that some blisters appear in the...

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Calluses – Podcast

What causes them? You just got home from your evening walk and are taking off your shoes and socks. On your left foot, you notice that there’s a hard, raised bump on your heel. You press on the area, but it doesn’t hurt. You ask your doctor about it at your routine...

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What causes them? You just got home from your evening walk and are taking off your shoes and socks. On your left foot, you notice that there’s a hard, raised bump on your heel. You press on the area, but it doesn’t hurt. You ask your doctor about it at your routine...

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Pink Eye

Why are your eyes red? For the past several days, you’ve had a sore throat and nasal congestion. When you woke up this morning, you noticed that your right eye had crusted over, so you couldn’t open it. After gently removing the crust, you realize that your eye is...

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Pink Eye – Podcast

Why are your eyes red? For the past several days, you’ve had a sore throat and nasal congestion. When you woke up this morning, you noticed that your right eye had crusted over, so you couldn’t open it. After gently removing the crust, you realize that your eye is...

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Are We Ready for the Next Pandemic?

Are We Ready for the Next Pandemic?

There’s no question; we’re all tired of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. However, no matter how much we want it to be over, it’s not. At least, not yet, anyway. As a result, most of us aren’t thinking about something that we should be…the next pandemic. It’s not a...

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Wisdom Teeth – Podcast

Do they always cause trouble? You go to the dentist for your regular 6-month checkup. After the X-rays are taken, he comes and tells you that you might want to consider having your wisdom teeth removed because they’re partially impacted. What does this...

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Wisdom Teeth

Do they always cause trouble? You go to the dentist for your regular 6-month checkup. After the X-rays are taken, he comes and tells you that you might want to consider having your wisdom teeth removed because they’re partially impacted. What does this mean? Why do...

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Bunions – Podcast

Why do they hurt so bad? What do you think of when you hear the word “bunion?” If you’re like most people, you probably think of your grandparents or other elderly individuals complaining about their bunions hurting. Is it something that only affects...

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Why do they hurt so bad? What do you think of when you hear the word “bunion?” If you’re like most people, you probably think of your grandparents or other elderly individuals complaining about their bunions hurting. Is it something that only affects older people?...

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The Harm of Science Skepticism

The Harm of Science Skepticism

Increasingly it seems that there’s more and more doubt about scientific data. While it’s important not to believe everything you hear, it’s vital to understand that things change as new information is discovered. Sometimes, this contradicts what was initially thought....

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Health News January 2022

-Thirsty? Here’s how your brains answers that question – NPR
-Nose or Throat? The Best Way to Swab for At-Home COVID-19 Tests – TIME
-Your biological age may be different from your real age. A new institute at Northwestern plans to explore the issue. – Chicago Tribune
-Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Rules for Large Employers – The Wall Street Journal
-Melatonin Isn’t a Sleeping Pill. Here’s How to Use It. – The New York Times

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Does Meal Timing Matter?

Does Meal Timing Matter?

For the past few years, the concept of meal timing has been in the news frequently. While some sources support the idea, others say it doesn’t really matter. What’s the truth? Does when you eat make a difference? Most of us eat over 15 or more hours each day, with...

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What is it? It’s something that we’re all familiar with and, in most cases, embarrassed by. You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about…gas. While it might be common, the majority of people don’t want to have it. What can you do to reduce it? Can it be prevented?...

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Flatus – Podcast

What is it? It’s something that we’re all familiar with and, in most cases, embarrassed by. You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about…gas. While it might be common, the majority of people don’t...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder – Podcast

Is this why you’re lacking energy? All your friends are excited about the season change and the upcoming holidays every Fall. You dread this time of year because you feel depressed, lose interest in activities, and have low energy. This lasts until sometime in the...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Is this why you’re lacking energy? All your friends are excited about the season change and the upcoming holidays every Fall. You dread this time of year because you feel depressed, lose interest in activities, and have low energy. This lasts until sometime in the...

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Migraines – Podcast

Why does your head hurt? If you’ve ever had a headache, you know how painful it can be. Sometimes, it can be downright debilitating. Migraines are extreme forms of headache that can severely impact a person’s life. How are they different from...

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Why does your head hurt? If you’ve ever had a headache, you know how painful it can be. Sometimes, it can be downright debilitating. Migraines are extreme forms of headache that can severely impact a person’s life. How are they different from regular headaches? What...

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Can Medical Devices Be Hacked?

Can Medical Devices Be Hacked?

Medical devices, such as pacemakers, have significantly improved the health of many individuals. Without them and other essential gadgets, many people would die. One thing that you don’t think about when talking about these items is hacking. However, in recent years,...

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Podcast

Why is it so dangerous? You’ve always heard that you shouldn’t run your car with the garage door closed because it’s unsafe. However, you’ve never really understood why it was so important. Well, it has to do with carbon monoxide and how bad it is for your health....

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How are Homelessness & Health Related?

How are Homelessness & Health Related?

Homelessness is a massive problem throughout the country. People blame it on many different things…lack of affordable housing or low-paying jobs. The one issue that is the leading cause, and many people don’t think of it, is poor health. Just how does poor health...

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Why is it so dangerous? You’ve always heard that you shouldn’t run your car with the garage door closed because it’s unsafe. However, you’ve never really understood why it was so important. Well, it has to do with carbon monoxide and how bad it is for your health....

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Health News December 2021

-Synthetic Alcohol Promises to Make Drinking Safer. But Experts Are Wary – TIME
-Abortion by mail: FDA permanently eases abortion pill restrictions, allowing direct shipment to patients in many states, including Illinois – Chicago Tribune
-As Omicron Spreads, What It Means to Be Fully Vaccinated Is Changing – The Wall Street Journal
-How Exercise Affects Metabolism and Weight Loss – The New York Times
-House Democrats find in three-year investigation that drug prices are ‘unsustainable, unjustifiable and unfair’ – The Washington Post

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Human Papillomavirus

Why is it so essential to prevent? The human papillomavirus has been in the news a lot in recent years. Partly because of the high incidence of cervical cancer associated with it, but also because of the development of a vaccine to prevent it. What are the concerns...

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How Helpful is Aromatherapy?

How Helpful is Aromatherapy?

Many of us associate different scents with memories. When you’re walking through a grocery store, you might smell fresh baked cookies, and it reminds you of being a child in your grandma’s house because she was always baking. This is why it’s not surprising that...

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Human Papillomavirus – Podcast

Why is it so essential to prevent? The human papillomavirus has been in the news a lot in recent years. Partly because of the high incidence of cervical cancer associated with it, but also because of the development of a vaccine to prevent it. What are the concerns...

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Are There Any Benefits to Virtual Reality?

Are There Any Benefits to Virtual Reality?

There’s no question that we’re spending increasing amounts of time on digital devices. With the invention of virtual reality, we can now immerse ourselves entirely in the experience. Given what we know about the health impacts of spending too much time on other...

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Pubic Lice

Why are they also called crabs? You go to take your shower and notice that there seem to be tiny bugs in your genital area. The spot is also incredibly itchy. The doctor tells you that you have pubic lice. How do you get rid of them? What do you need to do to prevent...

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Pubic Lice – Podcast

Why are they also called crabs? You go to take your shower and notice that there seem to be tiny bugs in your genital area. The spot is also incredibly itchy. The doctor tells you that you have pubic lice. How do you get rid of them? What do you need to...

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Genital Herpes

What’s causing those tiny bumps? One day, you’re going to the bathroom and notice small red bumps in your genital area. At first, you don’t think much about it until the next day when you start having pain and itching in the same place. You go to the doctor and find...

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Are Fecal Transplants a Real Thing?

Are Fecal Transplants a Real Thing?

Yes, there is such a thing as a fecal transplant. While it may sound gross or something that’s made up, it’s not. It’s actually used in medicine for very specific purposes. What are these? Who benefits from having a fecal transplant? How are they done? Did you know...

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Genital Herpes – Podcast

What’s causing those tiny bumps? One day, you’re going to the bathroom and notice small red bumps in your genital area. At first, you don’t think much about it until the next day when you start having pain and itching in the same place. You go to the doctor and find...

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Syphilis – Podcast

Why must it be treated? You’ve probably heard of syphilis before. Most people assume that it’s a disease that isn’t around anymore. However, this isn’t true. The treatment for it has improved significantly, which is why there are fewer infections. What is...

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Why must it be treated? You’ve probably heard of syphilis before. Most people assume that it’s a disease that isn’t around anymore. However, this isn’t true. The treatment for it has improved significantly, which is why there are fewer infections. What is this...

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13 Autoimmune Disorders You Should Know

13 Autoimmune Disorders You Should Know

You’ve probably heard the term autoimmune disorder before but might not know exactly what it is. They are a group of conditions that can impact a wide variety of people and have a wide range of symptoms. So, what are they? Who’s most at risk for developing them? How...

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The Power of Human Touch

The Power of Human Touch

Take a moment and think about a time when you were having a bad day. Everything seemed to be going wrong. You tell a friend that you’re having lunch with about it. While listening, she not only sympathizes but pats your arm, and before you part ways, she gives a big...

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Trichomoniasis – Podcast

What causes it? One morning you wake up and go to the bathroom, you notice that it burns when you urinate. You also notice that you have itching and redness to your genital area. So, you go to the doctor to see what’s the matter. After running a few tests, your doctor...

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Health News November 2021

-How to wake up early, even if you’re not a morning person – NPR
-Wuhan Wet Market Worker Is Now the 1st Known Case of COVID-19, According to New Study – TIME
-Breastfeeding and vaxxed: Parents delay weaning children to pass on COVID-19 antibodies – Los Angeles Times
-Instagram’s Effects on Children Are Being Investigated by Coalition of States – The Wall Street Journal
-750,000 Americans dead as many families feel unity in pain but division in mourning – The Washington Post

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What causes it? One morning you wake up and go to the bathroom, you notice that it burns when you urinate. You also notice that you have itching and redness to your genital area. So, you go to the doctor to see what’s the matter. After running a few tests, your doctor...

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Postpartum Depression

Why are you feeling sad? You’ve just had your first baby and were super excited to welcome him home. Now, several days later, you’ve started feeling sad, overwhelmed, and anxious. You’ve also been crying a lot. What’s going on? Aren’t you supposed to be happy? Is it...

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What Influences Your Metabolism?

What Influences Your Metabolism?

Most people have an idea of what metabolism is, but it’s often not a complete, accurate picture. Many components affect metabolism, which is essential to how your body functions. Many people assume that you can alter it. Is this belief correct? What impacts does your...

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Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

The idea of self-care has become more prevalent in recent years, especially in the past few thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, many people still view the concept as selfish or something that only people with extra time can do. Is either of these true? Why...

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Uterine Prolapse

What is going on with your stomach? Over the past several months, you’ve noticed that your lower abdomen has a heaviness sensation that seems to be getting worse. In the past few weeks, you started leaking urine when you cough or sneeze. You go to the doctor to get...

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Uterine Prolapse – Podcast

What is going on with your stomach? Over the past several months, you’ve noticed that your lower abdomen has a heaviness sensation that seems to be getting worse. In the past few weeks, you started leaking urine when you cough or sneeze. You go to the doctor to get...

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Does the Keto Diet Work?

Does the Keto Diet Work?

Diet fads come and go, but one that you’ve probably been hearing about for a while now is the Keto diet. What exactly is it, though? Is there more hype than actual results? While some people see benefits, others don’t, so how do you judge if it’s working? The keto...

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Why are you getting sick all the time? You just found out that you’re pregnant with your first child. You’re super excited, but the next you know, you start feeling sick to your stomach all of the time. Why does this happen? When should you be concerned? How can you...

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Why are you having so much pain? Every month when you have your menstrual cycle, you experience severe pain and heavy bleeding. It’s only been a few months, but you decide to see your doctor. She tells you that you might have endometriosis and suggests testing to...

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3 Ways Lead Exposure Can Happen

3 Ways Lead Exposure Can Happen

For years, experts have been talking about the dangers of lead. It doesn’t matter where it’s found…paint, water, or somewhere else…it poses a significant health risk. If discovered, it must be removed to make the living environment safe. How do you know if you’re...

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Endometriosis – Podcast

Why are you having so much pain? Every month when you have your menstrual cycle, you experience severe pain and heavy bleeding. It’s only been a few months, but you decide to see your doctor. She tells you that you might have endometriosis and suggests testing to...

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Health News October 2021

-Cigarette sales went up last year for the first time in 20 years – NPR
-COVID cases are falling across the country — but there are signs of trouble ahead – Miami Herald
-Study of Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients Shows Vaccination Is Better Guard Than Prior Infection – The Wall Street Journal
-Mix-and-Match Covid Boosters: Why They Just Might Work – The New York Times
-Inaction on climate change imperils millions of lives, doctors say – The Washington Post

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Fungal Nail Infection – Podcast

How do you know if you have one? One day you notice that the nails on your right foot seem to be thicker and discolored than they usually are. You go to the doctor, and he tells you that you might have a fungal infection. How did this happen? What do you need to do...

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Fungal Nail Infection

How do you know if you have one? One day you notice that the nails on your right foot seem to be thicker and discolored than they usually are. You go to the doctor, and he tells you that you might have a fungal infection. How did this happen? What do you need to do to...

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How Common is Maternal Mortality?

How Common is Maternal Mortality?

When you’re expecting a baby, it’s a joyous time. One of the last things you’re thinking about is the chances of the mother dying. Unfortunately, maternal mortality in the United States is much higher than in other countries of similar stature. Why? What needs to be...

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Scabies – Podcast

How do you end up with them? Just hearing the word “scabies” can make some people itchy. Most of us view it as a condition that affects people with poor hygiene. However, that’s not always the case. How do you get scabies? What can you do to...

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5 Key Things to Know About LBQTQ+

5 Key Things to Know About LBQTQ+

Recently, the acceptance of people who identify as LBGTQ+ has increased significantly. During this same period, the number of terms to describe individuals within the group has also risen. While this can make it challenging to know what each person desires to be...

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How do you end up with them? Just hearing the word “scabies” can make some people itchy. Most of us view it as a condition that affects people with poor hygiene. However, that’s not always the case. How do you get scabies? What can you do to treat an infection? How do...

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Toxoplasmosis – Podcast

Who should be worried? When you hear the word toxoplasmosis, what’s the first thing you think of? For some people, it’s pregnant women. For others, it might be cats. Neither group is wrong. What exactly does either of these have to do with the condition? How...

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Who should be worried? When you hear the word toxoplasmosis, what’s the first thing you think of? For some people, it’s pregnant women. For others, it might be cats. Neither group is wrong. What exactly does either of these have to do with the condition? How serious...

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How Important is Dental Health?

How Important is Dental Health?

Even if you’re not a fan of going to the dentist, you know that you should because it’s vital for helping your teeth and gums be healthy. However, taking care of your mouth is also vital to your overall health. What are these impacts? What could happen if you don’t...

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Listeria – Podcast

Is it in your food? One foodborne illness that can be very serious, especially for pregnant women, elderly individuals, or those with compromised immune systems, is listeria. Where does it come from? How can you prevent it in the...

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Is it in your food? One foodborne illness that can be very serious, especially for pregnant women, elderly individuals, or those with compromised immune systems, is listeria. Where does it come from? How can you prevent it in the first place? What’s the treatment for...

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Health News September 2021

-Obesity Rates Rise During Pandemic, Fueled by Stress, Job Loss, Sedentary Lifestyle – NPR
-Juul Is No Longer U.S. Teenagers’ Preferred E-Cigarette. Puff Bar Seems to Have Taken Over – TIME
-News Analysis: Supreme Court signals Roe v. Wade will fall after allowing Texas to ban most abortions – Los Angeles Times
-NW Indiana health professionals, vets decry attempts to treat COVID-19 with ivermectin: ‘This is garbage’ – Chicago Tribune
-Covid-19 Deaths in Delta Surge Trend Younger in U.S. – The Wall Street Journal
-The days of full covid coverage are over. Insurers are restoring deductibles and co-pays, leaving patients with big bills. – The Washington Post

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Giardia – Podcast

Where does it come from? You spent a nice, relaxing weekend out on the lake swimming, kayaking, and fishing. A few days later, you notice that your stomach is cramping, and you have diarrhea that smells really bad. You go to the doctor, and she thinks that you...

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Why are Unified Medical Records a Good Thing?

Why are Unified Medical Records a Good Thing?

When you go to the doctor, they should have a copy of your medical history because this allows them to provide you with the best care possible. Unfortunately, they don’t always have all the information they need. This is why there’s talk of creating a unified medical...

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Where does it come from? You spent a nice, relaxing weekend out on the lake swimming, kayaking, and fishing. A few days later, you notice that your stomach is cramping, and you have diarrhea that smells really bad. You go to the doctor, and she thinks that you might...

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Can Your Blood Type Impact Your Health?

Can Your Blood Type Impact Your Health?

If you need to receive a blood transfusion, it’s vital to find out your blood type. Otherwise, you could end up with a severe reaction. However, your blood type might influence so much more, including your health. How is this the case? Can you do anything to influence...

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Shigella – Podcast

What is it? One afternoon, you’re at work when your stomach starts cramping, and you make a run for the bathroom. You make it just in time! This happens several more times before you finally decide to go home. You don’t really become concerned until you notice...

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What is it? One afternoon, you’re at work when your stomach starts cramping, and you make a run for the bathroom. You make it just in time! This happens several more times before you finally decide to go home. You don’t really become concerned until you notice there’s...

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How can you avoid it? You’re in the kitchen cooking and crack open an egg for the omelet you’re making. After you throw away the shell, you wash your hands because you know that touching raw eggs puts you at risk for salmonella. However, it’s not the only way that you...

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Salmonella – Podcast

How can you avoid it? You’re in the kitchen cooking and crack open an egg for the omelet you’re making. After you throw away the shell, you wash your hands because you know that touching raw eggs puts you at risk for salmonella. However, it’s not the only way...

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Is a Peanut Allergy Cure Possible?

Is a Peanut Allergy Cure Possible?

If you have a food allergy, you know the pain of having to constantly be aware of whatever you’re eating and avoiding anything that may contain even trace amounts of your allergen. Most likely, given a chance, you’d do what you could to overcome your allergy. There is...

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Gastric Ulcers – Podcast

Is that why your stomach hurts? You’re sleeping peacefully one night when suddenly, you’re woken up by burning pain in your stomach and chest and feel slightly nauseous. You roll over, trying to ignore the pain, but in the morning, it’s still there. After eating a...

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What are Biologics?

What are Biologics?

When you think of medication, you probably think of a bunch of chemicals being combined to form a pill. You probably would be surprised to know that some medications actually contain parts of living organisms. These are called biologics. How are they made? What are...

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Gastric Ulcers

Is that why your stomach hurts? You’re sleeping peacefully one night when suddenly, you’re woken up by burning pain in your stomach and chest and feel slightly nauseous. You roll over, trying to ignore the pain, but in the morning, it’s still there. After eating a...

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Is Robotic Surgery Better Than Traditional?

Is Robotic Surgery Better Than Traditional?

Surgery can be a complicated process. Therefore, surgeons train for years to gain the experience needed to perform a single procedure. Technology is hoping to change that with the use of robots. Yes, robots. Well, at least robotic tools operated by humans. Is this...

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Dysphagia – Podcast

Why is it hard to swallow? You’re eating dinner with your parents and notice that your dad seems to be having trouble swallowing. When you ask him about it, he says it hurts to swallow, and it feels like the food is getting stuck in his throat. You take him to the...

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Why is it hard to swallow? You’re eating dinner with your parents and notice that your dad seems to be having trouble swallowing. When you ask him about it, he says it hurts to swallow, and it feels like the food is getting stuck in his throat. You take him to the...

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Health News August 2021

-Sports Science Is Changing How Female Olympians Train. It Could Help You, Too – NPR
-The Delta Variant Increases Your Chances of Being Hospitalized With COVID-19, Study Finds – TIME
-Long COVID’s daunting toll seen in study of pandemic’s earliest patients – Los Angeles Times
-Illinois expansion of health coverage for older adults regardless of immigration status is expected to benefit thousands of essential workers at risk – Chicago Tribune
-Number of Americans opposed to getting a COVID vaccine reaches new low, poll finds – Miami Herald
-Those Anti-Covid Plastic Barriers Probably Don’t Help and May Make Things Worse – The New York Times
-Pandemic will push U.S. mortality up through 2023, new government report predicts – The Washington Post

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Hay Fever

Is it why you’re sneezing? You’re visiting your grandmother in her suburban house, and she notices that you’re sneezing, have red eyes, and a runny nose. She says that you have hay fever. You tell her that’s not possible because you haven’t been around any hay. What...

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Hay Fever – Podcast

Is it why you’re sneezing? You’re visiting your grandmother in her suburban house, and she notices that you’re sneezing, have red eyes, and a runny nose. She says that you have hay fever. You tell her that’s not possible because you haven’t been around any hay. What...

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Should You Follow a Gluten-Free Diet?

Should You Follow a Gluten-Free Diet?

A diet fad that has become popular in recent years is eating gluten-free products. Some people swear by it. Others don’t see the benefit. What is gluten? Why are some individuals avoiding it? Should you be too? A diet fad that has caught on in recent years is going...

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How are Social Injustice & Health Related?

How are Social Injustice & Health Related?

While it’s always been present, it’s been gaining national attention in the past year or so. What is it? Social injustice. Without a doubt, it affects all aspects of life. One of the most concerning is health. What are the differences? What should be done to correct...

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Bad Breath – Podcast

What can you do about it? We’ve all been there…you’re talking to someone and get a whiff of their breath and feel like you’re going to pass out because it smells so bad. This is why most people are self-conscious about how their breath smells, and there are so many...

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Bad Breath

What can you do about it? We’ve all been there…you’re talking to someone and get a whiff of their breath and feel like you’re going to pass out because it smells so bad. This is why most people are self-conscious about how their breath smells, and there are so many...

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Plantar Warts

What’s causing that bump on your foot? One day, you’re putting your socks on before heading out the door. You notice that there seems to be a spot on one of your toes that has a growth on it. It doesn’t hurt, so you don’t think much about it. A few days later, you’re...

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Can Hypnosis Fix Health Problems?

Can Hypnosis Fix Health Problems?

Hypnosis might seem like voodoo magic or made up to some individuals. However, others say it actually works. In fact, some people use it to try to overcome specific health problems. How does hypnosis work? Is it really effective for health conditions? Hypnosis is a...

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Plantar Warts – Podcast

What’s causing that bump on your foot? One day, you’re putting your socks on before heading out the door. You notice that there seems to be a spot on one of your toes that has a growth on it. It doesn’t hurt, so you don’t think much about it. A few days later, you’re...

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Burns – Podcast

How do you know if it’s bad? You’re cooking dinner, and the water you’ve got on the stove starts to boil over, so you reach out to turn it down. In doing so, some of the water splashes on your arm. Immediately, you notice that it hurts. Quickly, you run some cool...

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How do you know if it’s bad? You’re cooking dinner, and the water you’ve got on the stove starts to boil over, so you reach out to turn it down. In doing so, some of the water splashes on your arm. Immediately, you notice that it hurts. Quickly, you run some cool...

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Health News July 2021

-Sugary drinks and increased colon cancer risk linked in study involving nurses – Fox News
-Flossing your teeth may protect against cognitive decline, research shows – CNN
-Cold-weather virus in summer baffles docs, worries parents – Los Angeles Times
-Skin inflammation could indicate serious health problems. Here’s how to tamp it down – Miami Herald
-Illinois reports zero COVID-19 deaths for first time since start of pandemic – Chicago Tribune
-Hospitals Often Charge Uninsured People the Highest Prices, New Data Show – The Wall Street Journal
-How does the Delta variant dodge the immune system? Scientists find clues. – The New York Times
-15 million people in the U.S. have missed their second dose of the coronavirus vaccine, CDC says – The Washington Post

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What is this? All day long, you’ve been sitting at your desk and notice that your elbow looks red and swollen. When you move your arm, it hurts. This continues for the next few days, so you go to the doctor. He confirms that you have bursitis. What caused it to occur?...

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Bursitis Podcast

What is this? All day long, you’ve been sitting at your desk and notice that your elbow looks red and swollen. When you move your arm, it hurts. This continues for the next few days, so you go to the doctor. He confirms that you have bursitis. What caused it to...

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Ruptured Disc Podcast

Is this serious? The doctor decides to send you for some tests once she finds out that you’ve been having lower back and leg pain for the past few months. The results show you have a ruptured disc in your back. What does this mean? Is it...

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Ruptured Disc

Is this serious? The doctor decides to send you for some tests once she finds out that you’ve been having lower back and leg pain for the past few months. The results show you have a ruptured disc in your back. What does this mean? Is it fixable? Can you prevent it...

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Spinal Stenosis Podcast

Why are your hand and arm numb? After getting out of bed, your neck is hurting, and your right arm feels tingling and slightly weak. You figure you slept wrong and go about your routine. Your symptoms don’t get any better. In fact, they start to get worse. The doctor...

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Spinal Stenosis

Why are your hand and arm numb? After getting out of bed, your neck is hurting, and your right arm feels tingling and slightly weak. You figure you slept wrong and go about your routine. Your symptoms don’t get any better. In fact, they start to get worse. The doctor...

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Do Natural Disasters Impact Health?

Do Natural Disasters Impact Health?

When natural disasters occur, they present many challenges. Some of the significant concerns are loss of electricity, damage to houses, or harm to people. Physical injury is the primary worry immediately. However, other health issues can arise, not only in the short...

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Degenerative Disc Disease

What’s wrong with your back? Over the past few weeks, you notice that your back has become increasingly painful, especially if you’ve been sitting for a while. After you start experiencing numbness in your legs, you go to the doctor and find out you have degenerative...

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Is Sex an Important Part of Aging?

Is Sex an Important Part of Aging?

When it comes to older adults, most people don’t realize that they have active sex lives, just like younger people. The connection and intimacy this provides are important. However, are there special considerations that seniors should be worried about? Should their...

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Degenerative Disc Disease Podcast

What’s wrong with your back? Over the past few weeks, you notice that your back has become increasingly painful, especially if you’ve been sitting for a while. After you start experiencing numbness in your legs, you go to the doctor and find out you have...

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Health News June 2021

-Study unpacks how LSD lowers brain’s barriers – Fox News
-A fatty heart puts your health at risk, regardless of your weight. Here’s how to avoid it – CNN
-Florida protected OB-GYNs from paying for their mistakes. They handed taxpayers the tab – Miami Herald
-The Covid Vaccine Is Free, but Not Everyone Believes That – The New York Times
-Your ability to focus may be limited to 4 or 5 hours a day. Here’s how to make the most of them. – The Washington Post

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Tremors – Podcast

What causes them? One day when you get up from a chair, you notice that your legs are shaking slightly. You slowly start walking, and the tremor goes away. This continues to happen over the next several days. What’s wrong with your body? Is there more than one...

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What causes them? One day when you get up from a chair, you notice that your legs are shaking slightly. You slowly start walking, and the tremor goes away. This continues to happen over the next several days. What’s wrong with your body? Are there more than one type...

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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Podcast

Does it really come from cows? You might know that there was an outbreak of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the 1990s because people ate contaminated beef. The disease progresses rapidly and is fatal, so many people were very concerned about it. It hasn’t been prevalent...

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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Does it really come from cows? You might know that there was an outbreak of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the 1990s because people ate contaminated beef. The disease progresses rapidly and is fatal, so many people were very concerned about it. It hasn’t been prevalent...

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You Should Have a Massage!

You Should Have a Massage!

When you’re stressed, it’s a good idea to take some time to relax so your body can reset. Each person is different in what helps them to achieve this. A common way is to get a massage because it relieves tension in the muscles throughout your body. Also, it includes...

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Trigeminal neuralgia – Podcast

Why does your face hurt? One morning as you’re brushing your teeth before work, you experience a sudden, sharp, stabbing pain. It goes away quickly, so you figure it was some sort of fluke. A week later, you’re washing your face before going to bed, and the same thing...

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Trigeminal neuralgia

Why does your face hurt? One morning as you’re brushing your teeth before work, you experience a sudden, sharp, stabbing pain. It goes away quickly, so you figure it was some sort of fluke. A week later, you’re washing your face before going to bed, and the same thing...

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What’s wrong with your nervous system? You’re sitting on the couch, watching TV, and get up to go to the bathroom. Upon standing, you notice that you feel dizzy and lightheaded. After a moment, it passes. You don’t think much of it until it happens again the next day...

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Dysautonomia – Podcast

What’s wrong with your nervous system? You’re sitting on the couch, watching TV, and get up to go to the bathroom. Upon standing, you notice that you feel dizzy and lightheaded. After a moment, it passes. You don’t think much of it until it happens again the next day...

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Why is Fake Health News a Problem?

Why is Fake Health News a Problem?

One thing the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to light is just how much of an impact fake news has on influencing people. When it comes to health information, this is particularly concerning. Individuals who believe these reports and stories put themselves and others at...

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Why does your brain get inflamed? When you hear the word encephalitis, you probably think of mosquitoes or babies. However, it can impact anyone of any age, and the causes can vary widely. So, what exactly is it? How is treated? Can it be prevented? Definition...

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Encephalitis – Podcast

Why does your brain get inflamed? When you hear the word encephalitis, you probably think of mosquitoes or babies. However, it can impact anyone of any age, and the causes can vary widely. So, what exactly is it? How is...

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27 Tips on How to Drive Safer

27 Tips on How to Drive Safer

It’s something the majority of us do every day—drive! It might be for work, going to activities, or taking a trip. Often, it’s not something we think about much, but we should. Car accidents are responsible for thousands of injuries and deaths each year. How can you...

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Health News May 2021

-If Your Brain Feels Foggy And You’re Tired All The Time, You’re Not Alone – NPR
-Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Have Come to the U.S. Will They Work? – TIME
-Risk of dying from Covid-19 40 times the risk of rare blood clot after receiving J&J vaccine – CNN
-Most kids with coronavirus infections lack typical symptoms of COVID-19, study says – Los Angeles Times
-Moderna Says Its Covid-19 Booster Shots Show Promise Against Variants – The Wall Street Journal
-Experts Call for Sweeping  Reforms to Prevent the Next Pandemic – The New York Times
-Why young people are using preventive Botox, and what they need to know – The Washington Post

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Huntington’s Disease

What impacts does it have? Unless you have a family history of or know someone with Huntington’s disease, you’ve probably never heard of it. Since it’s a rare genetic condition, this isn’t surprising. What type of problems does it cause? How likely is it to occur? Can...

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Why are We Obsessed with Plastic Surgery?

Why are We Obsessed with Plastic Surgery?

Celebrities used to be the ones who primarily got it, but now, more and more everyday people are getting it. What is it? Plastic surgery. Also, the volume of younger people getting is increasing significantly. Why? Does the rise in plastic surgery cases mean that...

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Huntington’s Disease – Podcast

What impacts does it have? Unless you have a family history of or know someone with Huntington’s disease, you’ve probably never heard of it. Since it’s a rare genetic condition, this isn’t surprising. What type of problems does it cause? How likely is it to occur? Can...

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Is it causing your baby to be sick? After feeding your newborn daughter, she starts vomiting. She also seems not to want to eat. You take her to the doctor. They run some blood work and inform you that she has galactosemia. What does this mean for your daughter? Will...

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7 Benefits of Consuming Caffeine

7 Benefits of Consuming Caffeine

It’s Saturday morning, and you head to your kitchen, turn on your coffee pot, and within a few moments, a wonderful aroma permeates the air. Once the coffee is ready, you take it to your favorite chair and enjoy. This probably sounds like heaven, but do you ever stop...

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Galactosemia – Podcast

Is it causing your baby to be sick? After feeding your newborn daughter, she starts vomiting. She also seems not to want to eat. You take her to the doctor. They run some blood work and inform you that she has galactosemia. What does this mean...

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Fragile X Syndrome

How often does it occur? Your son was just born, and the doctor says that his head looks larger than normal. You ask what that means. He says it could be a sign of Fragile X Syndrome. What is this condition? How could it affect your son? Is it treatable? Definition...

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Why are Processed Foods so Bad?

Why are Processed Foods so Bad?

Nowadays, foods are processed more than ever before. While this makes them last longer, are there any dangers involved with these types of foods? How do you know which processed foods are okay to eat and which you should avoid? What risks are associated with consuming...

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Cystic Fibrosis – Podcast

What causes it? You’re at a prenatal visit for your first child, and the doctor mentions that she’s concerned about the baby having cystic fibrosis. The doctor asks if you or your husband have any family history of the disease. You tell her not that you’re aware of....

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Cystic Fibrosis

What causes it? You’re at a prenatal visit for your first child, and the doctor mentions that she’s concerned about the baby having cystic fibrosis. The doctor asks if you or your husband have any family history of the disease. You tell her not that you’re aware of....

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Health News April 2021

-3 behavioral psychology tips for weight loss – CNN
-Why are COVID-19 numbers heading up again? It could be that the public is following ‘recipe for a surge.’ – Chicago Tribune
-FDA Authorizes First Covid-19 Tests for Repeat, at-Home Screening – The Wall Street Journal
-How to Spot Depression in Young Children – The New York Times
-Is it covid or just allergies? Your questions about symptoms and vaccines, answered. – The Washington Post

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8 Health Benefits of Practicing Yoga

8 Health Benefits of Practicing Yoga

If you’re like most people, you probably have heard of yoga before. You also probably know that it involves certain positions and some meditation, but is that all it is? Are there health advantages to practicing yoga? How do you start? Our culture provides constant...

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What’s the white stuff in your child’s mouth? One day after bathing your son, you’re getting ready to feed him and notice that there are white patches on his tongue. You call his doctor, who tells you to bring your son in to be seen. After examining him, the doctor...

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Thrush – Podcast

What’s the white stuff in your child’s mouth? One day after bathing your son, you’re getting ready to feed him and notice that there are white patches on his tongue. You call his doctor, who tells you to bring your son in to be seen. After examining him, the doctor...

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Why is Visible Human Project Important?

Why is Visible Human Project Important?

You might’ve heard of the Visible Human Project, but you probably don’t know what it actually is. It’s been around for many years and has had a significant impact on medicine and science. Its influences are far more significant than most people realize. What is it?...

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Shaken Baby Syndrome

Why can it occur? One day, you’re visiting a friend and notice that her newborn baby is having trouble staying awake and seems to be easily irritated. You ask your friend if everything is okay. She says that it is, and the baby has been only acting this way since...

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Shaken Baby Syndrome – Podcast

Why can it occur? One day, you’re visiting a friend and notice that her newborn baby is having trouble staying awake and seems to be easily irritated. You ask your friend if everything is okay. She says that it is, and the baby has been only acting this...

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Why is it so difficult to read? Your school-aged daughter is “reading” her book to you out loud, but she seems to be struggling. You go to her teacher to see how she is progressing in class and find out that your daughter isn’t reading on grade level. You take her to...

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Dyslexia – Podcast

Why is it so difficult to read? Your school-aged daughter is “reading” her book to you out loud, but she seems to be struggling. You go to her teacher to see how she is progressing in class and find out that your daughter isn’t reading on grade level. You take her...

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Cleft Lip

Why does it occur? The nurse hands you your newborn daughter after cleaning her up. As you look at her precious face, you realize there is a split in her lip that goes almost to her nose. You ask the doctor what happened, and he says that she has a cleft lip. Why did...

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Cleft Lip – Podcast

Why does it occur? The nurse hands you your newborn daughter after cleaning her up. As you look at her precious face, you realize there is a split in her lip that goes almost to her nose. You ask the doctor what happened, and he says...

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Hydrocephalus – Podcast

What does it mean to have too much fluid in the brain? One day, you go to check on your infant son in his crib and notice that the soft on his head seems to be bulging. When you pick him up, he’s very sleepy and easily irritated. You take him to the doctor, and she is...

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What does it mean to have too much fluid in the brain? One day, you go to check on your infant son in his crib and notice that the soft on his head seems to be bulging. When you pick him up, he’s very sleepy and easily irritated. You take him to the doctor, and she is...

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Are Food Allergies Increasing?

Are Food Allergies Increasing?

You’re trying to think of a treat to send to school for your son’s birthday. However, it can’t contain peanuts, milk, strawberries, or tree nuts because several children in his class have food allergies. Recently, food allergies seem to be on the rise. Is this true?...

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Health News March 2021

-‘Tip Of the Iceberg’: Interpol Says Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Were Smuggled Across Continents – TIME
-US to screen travelers from countries with Ebola cases: CDC – Fox News
-5 fruits and veggies daily to live longer, but not all kinds – CNN
-It’s ‘premature’ and ‘unrealistic’ to think COVID-19 will end soon, WHO warns – Los Angeles Times
-Biden Says U.S. to Have Vaccines for All Adults by End of May – The Wall Street Journal
-New standards for everyday masks will help people pick covid-19 face coverings – The Washington Post

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Heart Valve Disease – Podcast

Why is this concerning? Heart valves play an essential role in your heart’s ability to function. When one or more of them don’t work, it can cause significant problems. Several things can place you at risk for developing heart valve issues. Do you have...

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3 Tips to Receive Acupuncture Safely

3 Tips to Receive Acupuncture Safely

To many people, the idea of being poked with needles probably doesn’t sound appealing, which is why some avoid acupuncture. However, there are benefits to having it done. What are these? Are there any downsides? Acupuncture, which involves inserting very thin needles...

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Heart Valve Disease

Why is this concerning? Heart valves play an essential role in your heart’s ability to function. When one or more of them don’t work, it can cause significant problems. Several things can place you at risk for developing heart valve issues. Do you have any of them?...

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Cardiomyopathy – Podcast

What does it mean for your heart? You’re at the doctor’s because lately you’ve been feeling increasingly tired, and it frequently feels like your heart is pounding in your chest. The doctor is concerned that you might have cardiomyopathy and sends you for a bunch of...

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What does it mean for your heart? You’re at the doctor’s because lately you’ve been feeling increasingly tired, and it frequently feels like your heart is pounding in your chest. The doctor is concerned that you might have cardiomyopathy and sends you for a bunch of...

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Mitral Valve Regurgitation

What’s going on with your heart? Lately, when you’ve been out for your daily run, you notice that you have been becoming short of breath. This hasn’t happened before, so you go to the doctor. When he listens to your chest, he tells you that you have a murmur. Based on...

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Mitral Valve Regurgitation – Podcast

What’s going on with your heart? Lately, when you’ve been out for your daily run, you notice that you have been becoming short of breath. This hasn’t happened before, so you go to the doctor. When he listens to your chest, he tells you that you have a murmur. Based on...

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Fallot’s Tetralogy

How common is it? Your baby was just born and she’s perfect! The pediatrician examines your baby and tells you that it sounds like she has a heart murmur, so he wants to order some tests to see what’s going on. The results come back that your daughter has Fallot’s...

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How do Relationships Affect Your Health?

How do Relationships Affect Your Health?

When you heard the word “relationship,” what is the first thing that you think of? Most likely, a significant other. This is only one of many types of relationships, though. We interact with numerous people that play different roles in our lives, such as parents,...

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Health News February 2021

-CDC orders face masks for US travelers – Fox News
-Those who had Covid-19 could get reinfected if the variants become dominant, Fauci says – CNN
-COVID-19 vaccines contribute to drop in coronavirus cases at U.S. nursing homes – Los Angeles Times
-Millions of Counterfeit Masks Flooded U.S. Customs Facilities Last Year – The Wall Street Journal
-Had Covid? You May Need Only One Dose of Vaccine, Study Suggests – The New York Times
-Nap time is the new coffee break. Here’s how to make the most of it. – The Washington Post

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Fallot’s Tetralogy – Podcast

How common is it? Your baby was just born and she’s perfect! The pediatrician examines your baby and tells you that it sounds like she has a heart murmur, so he wants to order some tests to see what’s going on. The results come back that your daughter has...

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Myasthenia Gravis

What’s going on with your eyes? You’re working at your computer when you start seeing double and it feels like one of your eyelids is drooping. Figuring your eyes are strained, you take a break, close your eyes, and everything is fine a few minutes later. Over the...

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Myasthenia Gravis – Podcast

What’s going on with your eyes? You’re working at your computer when you start seeing double and it feels like one of your eyelids is drooping. Figuring your eyes are strained, you take a break, close your eyes, and everything is fine a few minutes later. Over the...

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Key Steps to Help Prevent Suicide

Key Steps to Help Prevent Suicide

The past year has definitely been a challenging one. For some, it became too much to bear. Unfortunately, the number of people who have committed suicide has been on the rise for a long time. Experts are concerned that this will rise more sharply in light of recent...

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Sjögren’s Syndrome – Podcast

Why are your eyes and mouth so dry? Over the past several weeks, you notice that your eyes have been feeling gritty and burning. In addition, your mouth is dry to the point that it’s hard to swallow because you don’t have enough saliva. You decide to go to the doctor...

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Sjögren’s Syndrome

Why are your eyes and mouth so dry? Over the past several weeks, you notice that your eyes have been feeling gritty and burning. In addition, your mouth is dry to the point that it’s hard to swallow because you don’t have enough saliva. You decide to go to the doctor...

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Hashimoto’s Disease

Why do you have a lump on your neck? One morning, you’re getting dressed as you adjust your shirt, you notice that your neck seems swollen. It’s not hurting and your throat isn’t sore, so you decide to continue with your day. Over the next several weeks, you notice...

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Hashimoto’s Disease – Podcast

Why do you have a lump on your neck? One morning, you’re getting dressed as you adjust your shirt, you notice that your neck seems swollen. It’s not hurting and your throat isn’t sore, so you decide to continue with your day. Over the next several weeks, you...

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Graves’ Disease – Podcast

What does it have to do with your thyroid? For a couple of weeks, you notice that you have a slight tremor to your hands and have been feeling more anxious than usual. One morning after waking up, you realize that your neck seems to have a large lump in it, so you go...

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Graves’ Disease

What does it have to do with your thyroid? For a couple of weeks, you notice that you have a slight tremor to your hands and have been feeling more anxious than usual. One morning after waking up, you realize that your neck seems to have a large lump in it, so you go...

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Health News January 2021

-The science of how to stick to New Year’s resolutions and truly change your habits – CNN
-COVID fatalities in U.S. top 350,000. Refuting Trump, Fauci says deaths are ‘not fake’ – Los Angeles Times
-Why you should apply certain skin products in the morning, others in the evening – Miami Herald
-What Is Known About Virus Variants – The Wall Street Journal
-Coronavirus vaccine has arrived, but frustrated Americans are struggling to sign up – The Washington Post

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Why is it so prevalent? As the use of social media continues to rise, so does the frequency of cyberbullying. The viciousness of attacks also has increased. Why do people feel like it’s more permissible to confront people on social media? Why has the level...

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Vaccinations or No School

Can this be enforced? Due to the anti-vaccination movement that has become more popular in recent years, the number of children who haven’t received immunizations is rising. As a result, there have been outbreaks of diseases that normally aren’t seen. This has led...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Podcast

Why are you tired all the time? One morning, you’re sitting at your desk and feel like you could fall asleep right there. You figure that you didn’t get enough sleep the previous night. However, the next day, you feel the same way despite getting...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Why are you tired all the time? One morning, you’re sitting at your desk and feel like you could fall asleep right there. You figure that you didn’t get enough sleep the previous night. However, the next day, you feel the same way despite getting a good night’s sleep....

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What’s causing your legs to swell? You've been on your feet all day at work and when you get home, you notice that your lower legs are swollen. While sitting on the couch to watch your favorite TV show, you prop your feet up on a couple of pillows. This seems to help....

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Edema – Podcast

What’s causing your legs to swell? You've been on your feet all day at work and when you get home, you notice that your lower legs are swollen. While sitting on the couch to watch your favorite TV show, you prop your feet up on a couple of pillows. This seems to help....

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Nursing Homes

What should you worry about? For some individuals, nursing homes are their only option because they aren’t able to take care of themselves anymore. However, before selecting one to live at, there are several things you should consider. What are these? How do you know...

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Hormone Therapy

What’s it used for? We have many different hormones in our bodies and they all serve important functions. Most people think of hormones as those related to men or women, testosterone and estrogen, respectively. The need to replace these if they’re lacking is often...

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Flesh-Eating Bacteria – Podcast

How serious is it? Your skin is supposed to be the barrier that protects your insides from the outside world. Sometimes, it can fall prey to the very things it’s supposed to protect you against. One type of infection is especially concerning because it can result in...

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Flesh-Eating Bacteria

How serious is it? Your skin is supposed to be the barrier that protects your insides from the outside world. Sometimes, it can fall prey to the very things it’s supposed to protect you against. One type of infection is especially concerning because it can result in...

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Health News December 2020

-WHO updates coronavirus face mask guidance, says face shields are inferior alternative – Fox News
-Data show Americans couldn’t resist Thanksgiving travel – Los Angeles Times
-Gene Editing Shows Promise in Sickle-Cell Disease – The Wall Street Journal
-Virus May Have Arrived in U.S. in December, but Didn’t Spread Until Later – The New York Times
-Coronavirus deaths will probably surge around Christmas – The Washington Post

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Testicular Cancer

Is it the cause of that lump? While performing your monthly testicular exam, you notice a small lump on one of your testicles. You go to the doctor and he confirms what you suspect…you have testicular cancer. How serious is this? Is it treatable? What are the next...

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Testicular Cancer – Podcast

Is it the cause of that lump? While performing your monthly testicular exam, you notice a small lump on one of your testicles. You go to the doctor and he confirms what you suspect…you have testicular cancer. How serious...

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Economic Hardship & Suicide

What’s the link? Having financial troubles is very challenging and for some, it can be overwhelming. When you don’t know how you’re going to take care of yourself or your family, you can feel like a failure and that you don’t have many options within your control....

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Klinefelter Syndrome

What causes it? You and your partner are trying to get pregnant, but have been struggling, so you get tested by your doctor. They inform you that you have an extra X chromosome and this probably is the cause of your infertility. How does this happen? Can anything be...

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Klinefelter Syndrome – Podcast

What causes it? You and your partner are trying to get pregnant, but have been struggling, so you get tested by your doctor. They inform you that you have an extra X chromosome and this probably the cause of your infertility. How does this happen? Can anything be done...

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Broken Heart Syndrome

Is it real? When we lose someone that we care about, we’re usually deeply saddened and grieve. For individuals who lose someone, like their spouse, this can be especially traumatic. In some cases, these individuals end up passing away not too long after as well. Some...

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Gynecomastia – Podcast

Why is your chest swollen? You’re in the locker room after gym class and look in the mirror while getting dressed. You realize that your breast area looks like it is swollen and when you touch it, it’s tender. Some of the other guys notice too and start making...

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Why is your chest swollen? You’re in the locker room after gym class and look in the mirror while getting dressed. You realize that your breast area looks like it is swollen and when you touch it, it’s tender. Some of the other guys notice too and start making fun of...

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Stem Cells

What can and can’t they do? One topic that is always controversial is stem cells. Some people are for using them and others are against it. However, many people don’t fully understand what they’re all about. This is vital to know. So, what are stem cells? What can...

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Why is your scrotum swollen? One evening when drying yourself after getting out of the shower, you notice that one side of your scrotum is swollen. It doesn’t hurt, so you decide to go to bed and check it in the morning. When you wake up, everything seems to be back...

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Hydrocele – Podcast

Why is your scrotum swollen? One evening when drying yourself after getting out of the shower, you notice that one side of your scrotum is swollen. It doesn’t hurt, so you decide to go to bed and check it in the morning. When you wake up, everything seems to be back...

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Why is it hard to restart a routine? Being physically active and exercising used to be your thing. It was something that you looked forward to, then you got injured and had to take some time off. Now, you’re trying to get back into the swing of things, but it’s...

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Is it really that hard to maintain? It’s time for lunch, so you go to your favorite café. After you order your sandwich, you see the dessert case and they have your favorite…chocolate cake. You really want a piece, but decide you shouldn’t and don’t order it. This is...

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Why are you having trouble urinating? You notice that you’re feeling the urge to urinate more frequently. Yet, when you’re in the bathroom, you have trouble getting starting and your urine tends to stop and start in the middle of going. What’s causing this to happen?...

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Podcast

Why are you having trouble urinating? You notice that you’re feeling the urge to urinate more frequently. Yet, when you’re in the bathroom, you have trouble getting starting and your urine tends to stop and start in the middle of going. What’s causing this to happen?...

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Health News November 2020

Important health topics being covered by reliable news sources: A COVID-19 Vaccine For Children May Still Be Many Months Away - NPR Scotland Becomes 1st Country To Make Period Products Free - NPR Families May Be Apart For Thanksgiving This Year, But Connections Burn...

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Is that why your stomach hurts? One afternoon, you realize that your lower stomach is hurting slightly. When you go to the bathroom, you notice that you have discharge with a strong odor and it hurts to urinate. You go to the doctor and find out you have pelvic...

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease – Podcast

Is that why your stomach hurts? One afternoon, you realize that your lower stomach is hurting slightly. When you go to the bathroom, you notice that you have discharge with a strong odor and it hurts to urinate. You go to the doctor and find out you have pelvic...

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Chronic Pain

Can you make it go away? Pain isn’t something you want to experience. Unfortunately, some people live with it on a daily basis. While there are many different treatment options, some are better than others. How do you determine the best one? Are there new options...

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Preventative Medicine

Why is it so important? Most people think of getting medical care when they’re sick or injured. However, this isn’t the only time you should be going to the doctor. Adults, just like kids, should have well visits. These appointments are vital to keeping you healthy...

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Bartholin’s Cyst – Podcast

What is that lump? You’ve finished going to the bathroom and are wiping yourself when you notice a small lump on one side of your vagina. It doesn’t hurt, so you decide to see if it’ll get better in the next few days. Unfortunately, the area starts to hurt and causes...

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Bartholin’s Cyst

What is that lump? You’ve finished going to the bathroom and are wiping yourself when you notice a small lump on one side of your vagina. It doesn’t hurt, so you decide to see if it’ll get better in the next few days. Unfortunately, the area starts to hurt and causes...

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Yeast Infection

Why are you itchy down there? You’ve been taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection for the past several days. Now, you have a strong itching sensation in your vagina and you notice a white discharge. What is going on? How can you get rid of these annoying...

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Obesity Epidemic

Why is it such a problem? For the past few years, there has been lots of talk about obesity and how it’s becoming an epidemic. This has led to the issue of fat-shaming being called out by many, including celebrities. While no one should be made fun of, it’s essential...

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Yeast Infection – Podcast

Why are you itchy down there? You’ve been taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection for the past several days. Now, you have a strong itching sensation in your vagina and you notice a white discharge. What is going on? How can you get rid of these annoying...

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Mastitis – Podcast

What is wrong with your breast? While getting dressed for the day, you notice that one of your breasts is tender, swollen and warmer than the other. The affected side has redness too. It didn’t appear this way yesterday. So, what caused this to happen? How can...

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What is wrong with your breast? While getting dressed for the day, you notice that one of your breasts is tender, swollen, and warmer than the other. The affected side has redness too. It didn’t appear this way yesterday. So, what caused this to happen? How can it be...

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Are they good for you? It’s the weekend and you’re at home due to the rain outside. Once you get all of your to-dos done, you sit down on the couch. As you sit there, you feel tired. You feel like you could fall asleep. You want to take a nap, but should you? If you...

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Health News October 2020

-Big contact tracing study shows role of kids and superspreaders in coronavirus pandemic – CNN
-Covid-19 Vaccine Trials Need Only a Fraction of People to Get Sick – The Wall Street Journal
-Laughter May Be Effective Medicine for These Trying Times – The New York Times
-The coronavirus pandemic has hurt Medicare’s hospital program – The Washington Post

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Ganglion Cyst – Podcast

Why do you have a lump on your wrist? Your typing away on your keyboard and happen to look down. On your wrist, you notice a small bump. You gently press on it causing it to move, but it doesn’t hurt. Where did it come from? Should you be...

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Ganglion Cyst

Why do you have a lump on your wrist? Your typing away on your keyboard and happen to look down. On your wrist, you notice a small bump. You gently press on it causing it to move, but it doesn’t hurt. Where did it come from? Should you be concerned? Is there anything...

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How does it help? Most of us deal with large amounts of stress on a regular basis, especially right now during the pandemic. To reduce our levels of stress, we try different things. Some people exercise, some eat more food, and some meditate. You might think of...

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Is it good or bad for you? It seems like every few years there’s a new report on the risks or benefits of meat. This makes it very confusing when it comes to knowing whether or not you should be eating it. What’s the truth? Is meat harmful or is it helpful? Is one...

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Brain Stimulation & Depression

What’s the connection? There are millions of people who experience depression. Some people try medication to treat it. Others try therapy. Many try both. While these do work, what if there was a way to relieve it in a faster and safer way? This is where brain...

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Restless Leg Syndrome – Podcast

Why won’t your legs stay still? Over the past few nights, you notice that when you’re trying to sleep, it feels like your legs just want to move. If you do reposition them, they feel better for a little bit, but a short time later, you have the same feeling. Why is...

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Restless Leg Syndrome

Why won’t your legs stay still? Over the past few nights, you notice that when you’re trying to sleep, it feels like your legs just want to move. If you do reposition them, they feel better for a little bit, but a short time later, you have the same feeling. Why is...

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What you need to know? When HIV/AIDS came on the scene, it caused a worldwide panic. At the time, it was considered a death sentence. As a result of years of research and hard work, advances have been made in treating and preventing it. People who have the virus are...

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What is it being used for? In the past few years, there has been talk among the scientific community about CRISPR and the many possible benefits it might present. However, not all the talk has been positive. There are some concerns about the dangers it poses. What is...

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HIV/AIDS – Podcast

What you need to know? When HIV/AIDS came on the scene, it caused a worldwide panic. At the time, it was considered a death sentence. As a result of years of research and hard work, advances have been made in treating and preventing it. People who have the virus are...

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Health News September 2020

-First coronavirus reinfection case in US being investigated by Nevada scientists – Fox News
-Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be ‘colossally stupid’ – CNN
-New U.S. Coronavirus Infections Slow to Lowest Level in More Than Two Months – The Wall Street Journal
-‘Sudden’ Cardiac Arrests Often Aren’t So Sudden – The New York Times
-Covid-19: A bad flu season colliding with the pandemic could be overwhelming – The Washington Post

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Maintaining Weight Loss

What does it take? Most of us know how challenging it can be to lose weight. All of the exercise and eating better paid off. So, how do you keep the weight off? Often, this can be even harder. Why is this the case? Are there specific reasons this happens? What can you...

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Rickets – Podcast

Why does it impact children’s bones? If you’re like most people, you might’ve heard about rickets from your grandparents or great-grandparents. This might lead you to believe that it’s something that you don’t have to worry about. While this is probably true, what...

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Why does it impact children’s bones? If you’re like most people, you might’ve heard about rickets from your grandparents or great-grandparents. This might lead you to believe that it’s something that you don’t have to worry about. While this is probably true, what...

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Scurvy – Podcast

Why is it no longer prevalent? If you’re familiar with the history of long-ago sailors, you probably know that many of them died from scurvy. What caused this to happen? Thankfully, it’s not as much of a problem nowadays. Why is it not something...

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Why is it no longer prevalent? If you’re familiar with the history of long-ago sailors, you probably know that many of them died from scurvy. What caused this to happen? Thankfully, it’s not as much of a problem nowadays. Why is it not something that we should be...

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Global Pandemic

Why weren’t we ready? For years, experts had been warning us that there could be a global pandemic. Then, one happened. Why weren’t we better prepared to handle it? What things should we be doing to get out of the current situation? How should we be getting ready for...

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Aging Parents

How do you manage? As people get older, they typically need assistance with things that they didn’t before. While a natural part of aging, it can be challenging for the person to accept help. It’s also not easy for the person’s family. What happens when the elderly...

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Yellow Fever – Podcast

Where is it a problem? You’re planning a trip to South America. You go to your doctor to find out if they recommend any vaccinations prior to traveling. She tells you that one of the things you should consider getting is a vaccine for yellow fever. What is this? Why...

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Yellow Fever

Where is it a problem? You’re planning a trip to South America. You go to your doctor to find out if they recommend any vaccinations before traveling. She tells you that one of the things you should consider getting is a vaccine for yellow fever. What is this? Why...

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Typhoid Fever

Yes, it’s still out there! You’ve recently got back from an awesome vacation. Several days after you get home, you start having a headache with weakness and stomach pain. Next, you develop a fever that seems to gradually be getting worse. Why are you having these...

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Old Wives’ Tales

Is there any truth to them? There are many old wives’ tales about numerous things. This is especially the case when it comes to health topics. For instance, you’ve probably heard, “Eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away.” How did sayings like this get started? How...

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Typhoid Fever – Podcast

Yes, it’s still out there! You’ve recently got back from an awesome vacation. Several days after you get home, you start having a headache with weakness and stomach pain. Next, you develop a fever that seems to gradually be getting worse. Why are you...

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How do they impact your health? There’s no question that wildfires are harmful to the environment. They can cause the destruction of thousands of acres of land and kill wildlife. In addition, they can damage property and result in death if people don’t get out of the...

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Why you don’t need to worry You’ve probably heard of smallpox, but don’t know of anyone who’s ever had it. It was once a very common disease. Thankfully, it no longer is because it has been eradicated. What does this mean? Should you be worried about it coming back?...

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Smallpox – Podcast

Why you don’t need to worry You’ve probably heard of smallpox, but don’t know of anyone who’s ever had it. It was once a very common disease. Thankfully, it no longer is because it has been eradicated. What does this mean? Should you be worried about it coming back?...

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Health News August 2020

-US death toll climbs as Trump claims coronavirus under control – CNN
-California is still showing how to make Obamacare work, even with COVID-19 – Los Angeles Times
-Four new Dengue fever cases have been confirmed in the Florida Keys – Miami Herald
-‘The Biggest Monster’ Is Spreading. And It’s Not the Coronavirus. – The New York Times
-Health illiteracy is nothing new in America. But the pandemic magnifies how troubling it is. – The Washington Post

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Issues with MLB and COVID Leave Many Wondering How to Reopen. Also, A Look at The New Relief Package and How Young People are Infecting Family Members as Top Official Says Government Didn’t Recognize Threat from Europe Soon Enough

The big question on everyone’s mind is how to reopen? Major League Baseball (MLB) tried starting their season this week, but the number of players and support staff testing positive for COVID-19 exploded. This has led many to question that if pro sports teams and...

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Are they the next big drug crisis? The opioid epidemic has been in the news for the past several years and as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s starting to ramp up again. This definitely needs to be addressed, but so does another drug crisis that no one is...

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Why do they hurt so bad? You wore a new pair of shoes to work today. Gradually, throughout the day your left heel has been bothering you and by the time you get home, it’s really hurting. You take off your shoes and notice that you have a blister in the area where the...

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Blisters – Podcast

Why do they hurt so bad? You wore a new pair of shoes to work today. Gradually, throughout the day your left heel has been bothering you and by the time you get home, it’s really hurting. You take off your shoes and notice that you have a blister in the area...

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Trump Shifts on Masks and Indicates Virus Will Get Worse While Study Shows Americans are Still Lacking Widespread Immunity, CDC Updates Guidelines and Rate of Hospitalizations Almost to Level Seen in April

Yesterday, in a press conference, President Trump recognized that the coronavirus pandemic is becoming worse and would like to continue to do so. “It will probably, unfortunately, get worse before it gets better,” he said. He also endorsed the use of masks, which is a...

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Skin Tags

What causes them to occur? One day you’re getting ready to go hang out with your friends and notice a small, raised bump in your armpit as you put on your deodorant. You touch it and it moves around slightly but doesn’t hurt. What is it and why did it appear? Should...

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Secondary Infertility

Why can’t you get pregnant again? You have a wonderful family that is comprised of you, your significant other and your child, but something is missing. You have always wanted to have another child but have been struggling with making this dream a reality. Why is this...

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Skin Tags – Podcast

What causes them to occur? One day you’re getting ready to go hang out with your friends and notice a small, raised bump in your armpit as you put on your deodorant. You touch it and it moves around slightly but doesn’t hurt. What is it and why did it appear?...

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Unpublished White House Report Indicates Stricter Rules are Needed as Mask Mandates Increase But Growing Wait Times for Test Results are Delaying Response and We’re Failing to Stop the Virus

In an unpublished report from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, the officials recommend that at least the 18 hardest-hit states, such as California, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma and Texas, should be putting into place tougher measures, like mask mandates, and...

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Science Shows that Masks Definitely Offer Protection as Experts Urge Schools to Reopen and Hospitals Stock Up on Supplies for Second Wave While Moderna’s Vaccine Displays Promise

For a while now, we’ve been hearing that masks don’t really protect you, but protect others from getting the virus from you. However, there’s increasing evidence to indicate that they also protect you. The reason for this is that if you’re wearing a mask and are...

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Dandruff – Podcast

Why does your scalp flake? You’re getting ready to go out on a date and put on your favorite dark-colored outfit before brushing your hair. When you’re finished, you notice that you shoulder has lots of little white flakes on it. What is causing them? How can you stop...

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Why does your scalp flake? You’re getting ready to go out on a date and put on your favorite dark-colored outfit before brushing your hair. When you’re finished, you notice that you shoulder has lots of little white flakes on it. What is causing them? How can you stop...

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DNA Testing & Privacy

Can you have both? Thanks to several companies, DNA testing has become a popular way to learn more about your family history and your health. While this seems neat and helpful, it’s not without risk. Some cold cases have also been solved using DNA from relatives of...

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TB Vaccine

Why is it needed? Tuberculosis has been a very serious disease for thousands of years that has resulted in millions of deaths. It was finally starting to be controlled through decades of work by multiple agencies. However, there still isn’t a vaccine that’s completely...

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What causes it? We’ve all been there, you wake up in the morning before an important event and there it is on your face…a giant, red pimple. What are you going to do? There might not be much you can do that moment, but there are things that you can do to reduce future...

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Acne – Podcast

What causes it? We’ve all been there, you wake up in the morning before an important event and there it is on your face…a giant, red pimple. What are you going to do? There might not be much you can do that moment, but there are things that you can do to reduce...

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Health News July 2020

-Reopening the economy doesn’t mean Covid-19 is getting better. It just shifts more responsibility to you – CNN
-Scientists say WHO ignores the risk that coronavirus floats in air as aerosol – Los Angeles Times
-Three Months In, These Patients Are Still Ravaged By Covid’s Fallout – The Wall Street Journal
-Amid Virus Surge, Republicans Abruptly Urge Masks Despite Trump’s Resistance – The New York Times
-‘Cries for help’: Drug overdoses are soaring during the coronavirus pandemic – The Washington Post

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Coronavirus Mutates as the CDC Says Number of Infections is Undercounted and Updates the List of Who is Most Likely to Be Infected and American Airlines No Longer Practicing Social Distancing on Flights

A mutation in the novel coronavirus is appearing in about 95% of all the genomes sequenced by infectious-disease specialists at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. The idea of a mutating virus isn’t new, in fact, it’s quite...

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Are they the cause of your child’s rash? Chickenpox used to be a common childhood illness. With the invention of the vaccine for it, the frequency of cases has diminished significantly. However, it’s still out there and poses a risk to some individuals. Do you fall...

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Chickenpox – Podcast

Are they the cause of your child’s rash? Chickenpox used to be a common childhood illness. With the invention of the vaccine for it, the frequency of cases has diminished significantly. However, it’s still out there and poses a risk to some individuals. Do you fall...

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Organic Foods

Do they really make a difference? When you’re in the grocery store, you’ve probably noticed that there are sections that are designated as organic food. Often, the food doesn’t look any different from the non-organic version despite typically being more expensive. So,...

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Artificial Sweeteners

Are they bad for you? One thing you’ve probably been hearing a lot about is how bad sugar is for you. This is true given the amount of it that most of us taken in daily. As an alternative, there are many artificial sweeteners available to use instead. However, are...

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Scarlet Fever

What does it have to do with your throat? Your son wakes up complaining of a sore throat and you notice that he has a bright red rash on his face and neck. His temperature is high, so you take him to the doctor. You find out that he has scarlet fever. What caused it...

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Scarlet Fever – Podcast

What does it have to do with your throat? Your son wakes up complaining of a sore throat and you notice that he has a bright red rash on his face and neck. His temperature is high, so you take him to the doctor. You find out that he has scarlet fever. What caused it...

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Is it the cause of your child’s rash? One morning when your daughter wakes up, you notice a rash on her face and she has a stuffy nose with a slight fever. She doesn’t seem overly sick, but by the next day, the rash has spread to more parts of her body. What is...

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Rubella – Podcast

Is it the cause of your child’s rash? One morning when your daughter wakes up, you notice a rash on her face and she has a stuffy nose with a slight fever. She doesn’t seem overly sick, but by the next day, the rash has spread to more parts of her body. What is...

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Placebo Effect

Does it work? You’ve probably heard the term “placebo effect” before. You might also know that it has something to do with taking medication that isn’t real. While this is partly true, there is much more to know. What is it really? Why is it important to understand? A...

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Why does it hurt when you chew? You’re eating your lunch and notice that the left side of your face has pain near your ear. When you gently touch the area, you notice that it’s swollen. Later, in the bathroom, you look in the mirror and that side of your face looks...

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Mumps – Podcast

Why does it hurt when you chew? You’re eating your lunch and notice that the left side of your face has pain near your ear. When you gently touch the area, you notice that it’s swollen. Later, in the bathroom, you look in the mirror and that side of your face looks...

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What causes it and what doesn’t? Almost everyone has heard the acronym PTSD before and probably know that it has something to do with experiencing something traumatic. Most people associate it with military personnel. While they can have the disorder, they aren’t the...

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Health News June 2020

-Why So Many Doctors Are Supporting Protests in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic – TIME
-Grocery stores and universities should reopen first, liquor stores and gyms should reopen last, new research says – CNN
-U.S. food makers stock up on ingredients in case of another coronavirus surge – Los Angeles Times
-Coronavirus Patients Lose Senses of Taste, Smell — and Haven’t Gotten Them Back – The Wall Street Journal
-How Do You Decide if Children Can Play Together Again? – The New York Times
-7 in 10 Americans would be likely to get a coronavirus vaccine, Post-ABC poll finds – The Washington Post

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How contagious is it? In the United States, you don’t hear of people contracting measles that often. This is the result of vaccinations. However, the number of cases has started to climb. This is concerning since measles are highly contagious and can be...

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Measles – Podcast

How contagious is it? In the United States, you don’t hear of people contracting measles that often. This is the result of vaccinations. However, the number of cases has started to climb. This is concerning since measles are highly contagious and can be...

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Murder Hornets

Are they really that bad? Murder hornets…just the name implies that these are something that should be feared and this has led to many people panicking. In truth, if you see one, their size would probably scare you, but are they really a threat? Can they kill you? Why...

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Household Cleaners

What are the dangers? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably got a cabinet that contains all sorts of cleaning products. These are useful at removing dust, mold, mildew and other gross stuff. However, many of these products can be harmful to humans and animals....

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Why do you fall asleep unexpectedly? You’ve noticed that in the past few weeks you’ve been increasingly drowsy during the day. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, you feel like you could fall asleep in the middle of it. One day, you’re working at your desk when the...

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Narcolepsy – Podcast

Why do you fall asleep unexpectedly? You’ve noticed that in the past few weeks you’ve been increasingly drowsy during the day. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, you feel like you could fall asleep in the middle of it. One day, you’re working at your desk when the...

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What Happens When Your Home Isn’t Safe?

What Happens When Your Home Isn’t Safe?

When you’re in an intimate relationship, it’s supposed to be a safe space. However, when one partner abuses the other, that doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, domestic violence is prevalent throughout society. Given the recent stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19, the...

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Glioblastoma – Podcast

What does this mean? Lately, you’ve been having headaches with blurred vision and occasionally vomiting. You figure that you’ve been stressed and aren’t taking care of yourself the way that you should. However, when you wake up in the back of an ambulance and the...

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What does this mean? Lately, you’ve been having headaches with blurred vision and occasionally vomiting. You figure that you’ve been stressed and aren’t taking care of yourself the way that you should. However, when you wake up in the back of an ambulance and the...

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President Trump Says COVID-19 is ‘Well Contained’ Among WH Staff Before Abruptly Leaving Press Conference as Study Indicates that an Enzyme Makes Men More Vulnerable to the Virus

In a press conference today, President Trump addressed questions from reporters regarding the fact that three of the top officials of the Coronavirus response have decided to self-quarantine after coming into contact with a member of Vice-President Pence’s staff that...

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Bell’s Palsy – Podcast

Why is half your face drooping? One morning while eating breakfast, you notice that half of your face feels different from the other side. By lunch time, you notice that the affected side is drooping and you’re having trouble closing your eyelid on that side. Are you...

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Bell’s Palsy

Why is half your face drooping? One morning while eating breakfast, you notice that half of your face feels different from the other side. By lunch time, you notice that the affected side is drooping and you’re having trouble closing your eyelid on that side. Are you...

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What Impact Does Posture Have on Your Health?

What Impact Does Posture Have on Your Health?

Probably since you were a young child, you’ve been hearing about sitting up straight so you have good posture. As an adult, like most individuals, you don’t think much about what position your body is in when you’re sitting or standing. You should be because it can...

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Spina Bifida

What’s wrong with your baby’s back? You’re pregnant and in your second trimester, so you’re going for an ultrasound to make sure that your baby is developing appropriately. After the ultrasound, your doctor informs you that it looks like your baby has spina bifida....

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Are There Benefits to Using To-Do Lists?

Are There Benefits to Using To-Do Lists?

To-do lists…you’ve probably had one at some point in your life. They’re supposed to help you organize tasks that you need to do. The issue is that they don’t always work. Once you make a list, where do you start? Do you find them to be helpful? Or, is it overwhelming...

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Spina Bifida – Podcast

What’s wrong with your baby’s back? You’re pregnant and in your second trimester, so you’re going for an ultrasound to make sure that your baby is developing appropriately. After the ultrasound, your doctor informs you that it looks like your baby has spina bifida....

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Health News May 2020

-Coronavirus to likely last two years, new report says – Fox News
-The coronavirus lockdown is miserable. Rushing herd immunity could be worse – Los Angeles Times
-Researchers Explore Using Common Blood-Plasma Treatment to Fight Coronavirus – The Wall Street Journal
-Find a Vaccine. Next: Produce 300 Million Vials of It. – The New York Times
-Excess U.S. deaths hit estimated 37,100 in pandemic’s early days, far more than previously known – The Washington Post

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Cradle Cap

What’s on your baby’s head? One day, after feeding your baby, you’re holding her and watching her sleep. You notice that there are some white, crusty areas on her head. You gently touch the areas, but she doesn’t seem to be bothered by them. What are these? What is...

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Does Going to a Chiropractor Help?

Does Going to a Chiropractor Help?

You’re at work and lift a heavy box. When you get home later, you notice that your back is sore. You don’t think too much about it until several days later when you notice it’s still sore. You decide it’s time to get help, so you go to the doctor. You’re surprised...

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Cradle Cap – Podcast

What’s on your baby’s head? One day, after feeding your baby, you’re holding her and watching her sleep. You notice that there are some white, crusty areas on her head. You gently touch the areas, but she doesn’t seem to be bothered by them. What are these? What is...

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Ventricular Septal Defect – Podcast

Why is there a hole in your child’s heart? Some people are born with a hole in their heart. While in some cases, this is as serious as it sounds, in others, it isn’t. Some individuals don’t even know that they have an issue until they’re an adult. How do you know...

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Do Timeouts Work or Are They Bad for Kids?

Do Timeouts Work or Are They Bad for Kids?

As a child, you probably had some form of punishment when you were bad. If you were born after the 1960s, it most likely involved being placed in timeout. If you’re a parent, you presumably have used it at some point with your own kids. There is conflicting research...

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Ventricular Septal Defect

Why is there a hole in your child’s heart? Some people are born with a hole in their heart. While in some cases, this is as serious as it sounds, in others, it isn’t. Some individuals don’t even know that they have an issue until they’re an adult. How do you know if...

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SIDS – Podcast

What is it? If you’re a new parent, you’ve probably have heard stories about infants who have died suddenly and for no apparent reason. Obviously, this is very concerning and may have you wondering what you can do to prevent this from happening to your child....

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Does Being Optimistic Help You Live Longer?

Does Being Optimistic Help You Live Longer?

Being optimistic certainly has advantages. Typically, these individuals have a more positive attitude about life. However, per several studies, optimism can provide numerous health benefits, including potentially living longer. How do you know if you’re an optimistic...

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What is it? If you’re a new parent, you’ve probably have heard stories about infants who have died suddenly and for no apparent reason. Obviously, this is very concerning and may have you wondering what you can do to prevent this from happening to your child. What...

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Your Health ToGo Template

What is it? You might never have heard of the word bradycardia before, but based upon the ‘cardia’ part of the word, you might guess that it has something to do with your heart. This is correct, but what exactly does it mean? Is it a serious issue? Is it...

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Health News April 2020

-Reported disinfectant poisonings in children on the rise during pandemic – CNN
-Florida medical examiners were releasing coronavirus death data. The state made them stop – Miami Herald
-Coronavirus Testing Capacity Is Going Unused – The Wall Street Journal
-U.N. Warns World Hunger Could Double as Global Economy Crashes – The New York Times
-Pandemic anxiety is making us sleepless, forgetful and angry. Here are tips for coping. – The Washington Post

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COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Key Things You Should Know Handwashing. Here's How To Do It Properly. Do Face Masks Help Protect You From the Coronavirus? What is Difference Between Social Distancing, Self-Quarantining and Isolation? COVID-19 Symptoms What does 'Flatten the Curve' mean? Why is it...

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PTSD – Podcast

How do you know if you have it? You’ve survived a tragic event and, initially, it has a significant impact on how you function every day, but, gradually, it gets easier. However, one day, out of the blue, you feel like you’re experiencing the situation all over...

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How do you know if you have it? You’ve survived a tragic event and, initially, it has a significant impact on how you function every day, but, gradually, it gets easier. However, one day, out of the blue, you feel like you’re experiencing the situation all over again....

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How to Spot Fake Information on COVID-19

There’s no question that with information about COVID-19 is changing rapidly and constantly. Many people are trying to stay informed and keep their loved ones informed too. So, information, whether or not it is true, is being spreading like wildfire as people are...

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Podcast

Why must you do repetitive tasks? You’ve probably heard someone referring to another individual as have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) if that individual is particular about certain things, like being neat or clean. For the majority of people, even though they...

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Why must you do repetitive tasks? You’ve probably heard someone referring to another individual as have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) if that individual is particular about certain things, like being neat or clean. For the majority of people, even though they...

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Why has the Coronavirus Gotten so Bad?

Why has the Coronavirus Gotten so Bad?

The coronavirus, COVID-19, is now a pandemic. The number of cases is expected to increase, not just globally, but here at home. This brings forth numerous questions about what is being done to protect American lives. Unfortunately, the federal government isn’t doing...

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Do travel bans work?

A travel ban means that individuals from a certain area aren’t allowed to enter or leave an area. In the case of the travel bans put into place by the Trump administration, this means that individuals coming from various parts of the world are not permitted to enter...

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Sugar vs Salt – Which is Worse for You?

Sugar vs Salt – Which is Worse for You?

When it comes to snacks, most people fall into one of two groups—those that like salty or those that like sweet. We know that too much of either isn’t good for us. For years, we’ve heard about how bad salt is for you. More recently, we’ve heard the same about sugar....

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Is Gaming Disorder Real?

Is Gaming Disorder Real?

Most of us like to play video games at some point during our lives. For some, they outgrow this as they become an adult. For others, it’s an activity they continue to partake in as adults. The concern is whether or not gaming is addicting. Is gaming disorder a real...

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Borderline Personality Disorder

Why are you afraid of being alone? Despite your intense fear about being alone, you often get angry and have outbursts that cause others to leave. This results in you having many unstable relationships. If this sounds like your life, you might have borderline...

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What are the EPA Approved Disinfectants?

Many people have been wondering how to clean surfaces in their home. According to health officials, this is just as critical as washing your hands. This has led individuals to try to figure out what products to use that will get rid of COVID-19. In response to these...

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Social Anxiety Disorder – Podcast

Why are you so nervous? At some point in your life, you’ve probably been nervous about something, like giving a speech or asking someone out on a date. This is a normal part of life. What happens though when your anxiety and fear over something lead you to avoid...

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Just How Bad is Added Sugar for You?

Just How Bad is Added Sugar for You?

We hear all the time that sugar is bad for you. Recently, there has been more and more talk about added sugar and its negative impacts on your body. What is added sugar? How is it different from “regular” sugar? Why is it so bad for you? How can you avoid it? The...

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Social Anxiety Disorder

Why are you so nervous? At some point in your life, you’ve probably been nervous about something, like giving a speech or asking someone out on a date. This is a normal part of life. What happens though when your anxiety and fear over something lead you to avoid the...

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Health News March 2020

-Coronavirus death toll climbs to 9 in U.S. as global mortality rate increases to 3.4% – Los Angeles Times
-Are You Lonely? You’re Not Alone. – The Wall Street Journal
-Fatal Car Crashes Rise With Spring Clock Reset – The New York Times
-Stop touching my face? Why the easiest way to prevent coronavirus is so hard. – The Washington Post

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Vasculitis – Podcast

What causes it? Your blood vessels play a vital role in your body functioning correctly. So, when something happens to them and they don’t perform as well as they should, it can result in significant issues for your organs. Depending on the location of the issue,...

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What causes it? Your blood vessels play a vital role in your body functioning correctly. So, when something happens to them and they don’t perform as well as they should, it can result in significant issues for your organs. Depending on the location of the issue,...

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Why is Living Organ Donation Important?

Why is Living Organ Donation Important?

You probably know that organ donation is when someone receives an organ from another person because the recipient’s is no longer functioning correctly. In most cases, the donated organ from someone is deceased. However, there is such a thing as living organ donation....

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Endocarditis – Podcast

Are you at risk? An infection can occur anywhere in your body. Most infections are minor and your body’s immune system is able to fight it off without a problem. Some infections can be very serious because of the part of the body they impact. One of these areas is...

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Are you at risk? An infection can occur anywhere in your body. Most infections are minor and your body’s immune system is able to fight it off without a problem. Some infections can be very serious because of the part of the body they impact. One of these areas is...

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Will China’s Economy Hold?

As infections and fatalities are swelling, the world’s second-largest economy is almost at a standstill. Given the restrictions put in place to contain the spread of the virus many urban manufacturing and financial centers are on at least partial lockdowns, migrant...

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Do Infrared Thermometers Really Work?

If you’ve been watching the news, you’ve probably seen health officials using an infrared thermometer to check individuals’ temperatures before they’re allowed to go into grocery stores or other public buildings. It seems like an easy enough way to see if someone has...

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The WHO Selects a Name for the New Coronavirus – COVID-19. China’s deaths are over 1000. Pakistan Refuses to Let Citizens Come Home. The US is Worried About Economic Impacts.

Officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) have chosen a name for the new coronavirus. It’s now called COVID-19. It’s an acronym for coronavirus disease 2019. The goal was to find a name that didn’t give any reference to people, places or animals to avoid any...

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Tachycardia – Podcast

Why is your heart racing? You’re sitting in your favorite chair one lazy afternoon when all of sudden it feels like your heart is beating funny. You also feel slightly lightheaded and short of breath. When you check your pulse, you notice that it’s very fast....

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Why is your heart racing? You’re sitting in your favorite chair one lazy afternoon when all of sudden it feels like your heart is beating funny. You also feel slightly lightheaded and short of breath. When you check your pulse, you notice that it’s very fast. What’s...

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What is it? You might never have heard of the word bradycardia before, but based upon the ‘cardia’ part of the name, you might guess that it has something to do with your heart. You're correct, but what exactly does it mean? Is it a serious issue? Is it something that...

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Bradycardia – Podcast

What is it? You might never have heard of the word bradycardia before, but based upon the ‘cardia’ part of the word, you might guess that it has something to do with your heart. This is correct, but what exactly does it mean? Is it a serious issue? Is it...

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Health News February 2020

-Burnout linked to potentially lethal heart condition – Fox News
-Another win for optimism! Recovery after stroke – CNN
-Caloric counts on nutrition labels may not be as precise as you think – Los Angeles Times
-Patients Often Get Antibiotics Without a Doctor Visit, Study Finds – The Wall Street Journal
-Why Fruits and Vegetables May Lower Alzheimer’s Risk – The New York Times
-Being obsessed with being productive…is unproductive – The Washington Post

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COVID-19 Symptoms

Article updated with latest information on 07/09/2020. One of the challenging aspects of COVID-19 is that some of the symptoms associated with it are similar to that of the common cold, allergies or the flu. The other issue is that the virus is still so new that all...

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Handwashing. Here’s How To Do It Properly.

One of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is by using proper handwashing techniques. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know the best way to do this. Let’s take a closer look at the steps: 1. Turn on the water and get your hands wet. This helps you to spread...

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SARS – Podcast

What is it? A few years ago, SARS was in the news every where. There was a significant amount of concern regarding people traveling and spreading the deadly disease. Where did it come from? Why did it spread so quickly? Is it still an issue? Definition Severe acute...

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What is it? A few years ago, SARS was in the news every where. There was a significant amount of concern regarding people traveling and spreading the deadly disease. Where did it come from? Why did it spread so quickly? Is it still an issue? Definition Severe acute...

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The New Virus is Here

A man who lives in Washington state was the first American to be diagnosed with the new coronavirus. He recently returned from visiting Wuhan, China and once back in the United States, started to have symptoms associated with the novel virus. He has been taken to the...

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Mesothelioma – Podcast

What is it? It seems like that every time you turn on the TV there is a commercial advertising for a class action lawsuit for those who are suffering from mesothelioma or their families. Many people don’t know what mesothelioma is, let alone why there would be...

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What is it? It seems like that every time you turn on the TV there is a commercial advertising for a class action lawsuit for those who are suffering from mesothelioma or their families. Many people don’t know what mesothelioma is, let alone why there would be...

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The New Virus Is Spreading

While in China the new coronavirus has claimed another life, it’s also on move and has made it to Thailand and Japan. As of this past Monday, Thai officials announced that there are two confirmed cases. Japan only has one case so far. In talking to the first patient...

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Why Do We Need Hospital Price Disclosures?

Why Do We Need Hospital Price Disclosures?

There is no question that healthcare is expensive. The issue is that the cost of healthcare isn’t clear. So, how do we fix this? Well, two regulations are being suggested to help make the price of healthcare more transparent. What are they? Will they make a...

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New Virus Emerging in China

As of three days ago, Chinese officials have reported that there is a new virus found in the city of Wuhan that first appeared in late December. The virus is causing pneumonia-like symptoms, such as fever, difficulty breathing and lung lesions. So far, it has infected...

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ARDS – Podcast

What causes it to occur? Not too long ago in the news, they were talking about a respiratory condition that was referred to as ARDS. ARDS stands for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and is a serious illness. Who is most at risk for developing it? Can it be...

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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

What causes it to occur? Not too long ago in the news, they were talking about a respiratory condition that was referred to as ARDS. ARDS stands for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and is a serious illness. Who is most at risk for developing it? Can it be treated?...

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Health News January 2020

-Only a few drugmakers even try to fight superbugs — a growing threat – Los Angeles Times
-Where you live might affect your brain: Study – Chicago Tribune
-Hospitals Give Tech Giants Access to Detailed Medical Records – The Wall Street Journal
-No More Excuses Not to Exercise – The New York Times
-Is this the secret to getting teens to reject junk food? – The Washington Post

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Why is your skin crusty? Thanks to TV, you’ve likely heard the word psoriasis before. However, like many people, you might not know what it is. It’s a condition that affects your skin and comes in many different forms. What does it look like? What causes it to happen?...

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Psoriasis – Podcast

Why is your skin crusty? Why is your skin crusty? Thanks to TV, you’ve likely heard the word psoriasis before. However, like many people, you might not know what it is. It’s a condition that affects your skin and comes in many different forms. What does it look like?...

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New Year’s Resolutions

Why don’t they usually work? It’s that time of year when making our New Year’s resolutions. Typically, most people select something that they want to improve about themselves. The problem is that most of us are unable to stick with it and fail to meet our goals. Why...

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Why is your face red? You’ve probably seen people who have a red face and, sometimes, small red bumps, but never really thought much about it until you notice that your face has these symptoms. Why did this happen? What caused it to occur? Are there steps you can take...

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Medication Shortages

What is the cause? Recently, there have been several medication shortages of medicines that many people need to take every day in order to survive. The sad thing is that medication shortages are not new, but are increasing in frequency. Why is this happening? What...

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Childhood Obesity

What can we do to fix the epidemic? For the past several years, there have been numerous reports on the fact that childhood obesity is increasing and has reached the level of being an epidemic. This is very concerning because of all the health risks that accompany...

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Varicose Veins

Why are your veins misshapen? You’ve probably seen someone with large, dark-colored veins in their legs. For some people, this the only issue, but for others, they also have pain from their enlarged veins. What causes your veins to do this? How is it treated? Can it...

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Hidden Germs

Where are they lurking? You probably know that there are germs in and around your toilet. You also probably know that there are germs on a cutting board after using it to slice raw meat. While these are obvious places that you would find germs, there are plenty of...

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Health News December 2019

-Here’s Why You Really Need A Flu Shot – NPR
-Half of the U.S. Population Will Be Obese by 2030 – TIME
-More than 6 million US middle and high schoolers used tobacco products in 2019, report says – CNN
-Getting a good night’s rest is critical to your health. How to improve your sleep habits – Miami Herald
-What if you knew a cookie would take 20 minutes to run off? – Chicago Tribune
-New Ways to Battle Procrastination – The Wall Street Journal
-Even a Little Alcohol May Raise Cancer Risk – The New York Times
-Essential oils are potent, risky and promising, Here’s what you need to know. – The Washington Post

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Loneliness & Health

What’s the correlation? Whether you’re a child, teen, adult or elderly, it’s not fun to be lonely. People are supposed to be social beings. This is why it might not come as a surprise that being lonely can negatively impact your health. What are the consequences? What...

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Male Breast Cancer

Yes, it does happen! Almost everyone is aware that women can get breast cancer. Did you know that men can get it too? Unfortunately, they can. How can this happen? What symptoms should you look for? How is it treated? Can it be prevented? Definition While it’s rare,...

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Menu Calorie Counts

Do they make a difference? Recently, the new law went into effect that requires restaurants to put the amount calories an item or meal has on their menus. The thought is that this will help people make more informed choices when ordering. Does it work? Do people...

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Undescended Testicle – Podcast

What does this mean? The day has finally arrived…your son was just born! He looks perfect and seems to be healthy, so it probably comes as a shock when the doctor is finished examining him and tells you that your son has an undescended testicle. What does this...

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Undescended Testicle

What does this mean? The day has finally arrived…your son was just born! He looks perfect and seems to be healthy, so it probably comes as a shock when the doctor is finished examining him and tells you that your son has an undescended testicle. What does this mean?...

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Exercising & Mood

Is there an impact? There’s no question that exercise can have a significant positive impact on your body. You probably can list many of the physical benefits that it can provide. However, it can have an effect on your mental wellbeing too. One thing might seem...

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What is wrong with your groin? One morning you wake up and notice that it hurts while you’re urinating and you’ve got pain in your testicles. You also realize that your scrotum seems swollen and red. What’s causing this to happen? How is it treated? Can it be...

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Climate Change a Public Health Emergency

How so? When you hear the term “climate change,” most likely you think of the environment and the impact it’s having. However, climate change doesn’t just affect the environment. These changes that are occurring influence all of our health. How does this happen? What...

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Male Birth Control Pill

Does it work? Women have had many varieties of birth control to choose from for several years. All of these are fairly safe and effective. For men, they only have two options—condoms or vasectomies. What if there was another option? What if men could take a pill that...

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Health News November 2019

-Open Enrollment Is Here: 6 Tips For Choosing A Health Insurance Plan – NPR
-2 in 5 Americans have misdiagnosed themselves after searching symptoms online, survey finds – Fox News
-Even a little running cuts risk of premature death, new study shows – CNN
-If you have type 2 diabetes, you’re at much greater risk for fatty liver disease – Miami Herald
-Shifting the Focus of Breast Cancer to Prevention – The New York Times
-Deep brain stimulation is being tested to treat opioid addiction – The Washington Post

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Why does it happen? With somewhere between 10 – 15 % of couples in the United States struggling to have a baby, you probably know someone who is experiencing infertility. This is a challenging situation if you’re the one going through it and can lead to many...

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Millennials & Less Babies

What's the connection? For the past several years, the birth rate across the nation has been declining. This has the potential to pose some very serious implications on the future. Millennials are the group that is in the prime child-bearing range. Why they aren’t...

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Dieting Teenagers

Why is it not a good thing? Given that a significant number of people are overweight and our society’s current outlook on body image is that we’re supposed to be thin, it’s no wonder that most of us have tried dieting at some point. A surprising fact is the number of...

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Pregnancy – Podcast

What should you expect? You think you might be pregnant, but how do you know for sure? Once you find out that you are, what should you expect during each trimester? What diet, exercise and sleep recommendations should you follow? What’s not a normal part of...

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What should you expect? You think you might be pregnant, but how do you know for sure? Once you find out that you are, what should you expect during each trimester? What diet, exercise and sleep recommendations should you follow? What’s not a normal part of pregnancy?...

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Recycled Toilet Water

Is it safe? Water is an important part of our lives. We need it to survive, but in some areas, it’s becoming increasingly scarce. In order to make sure that there is enough water for people to drink, many places are looking at creative solutions. One such solution is...

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Ovarian Cyst

Why is your abdomen hurting? You wake up one morning and notice that you have sharp aching sensation in your lower abdomen on one side. You also feel bloated and a sense of fullness in the painful area. What is causing this? Is it something that you should be...

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Why is everyone whispering? If you’re on any of the social media platforms, you might notice people talking about ASMR. Or, maybe you’ve stumbled across weird videos of people whispering or doing other strange things quietly. Why are they doing this? What is ASMR? Is...

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Health News October 2019

-The Placebo Effect Works And You Can Catch It From Your Doctor – NPR
-Cutting Down on Sugary Beverages? Here’s What to Drink Instead, According to a New Study – TIME
-Not washing your hands after using bathroom worse than eating raw meat, study finds – Fox News
-Mediterranean Diet May Help Ease Some Symptoms of Depression – The New York Times
-Never exercised in your life? It’s not too late to start — and benefit. – The Washington Post

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Osteomyelitis – Podcast

What’s going on with your bones? You probably are aware that your body can get infections, but did you know that they can occur at specific areas with in your body? One of these areas is your bones. You might not think this can happen, but it can. What causes it?...

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What’s going on with your bones? You probably are aware that your body can get infections, but did you know that they can occur at specific areas with in your body? One of these areas is your bones. You might not think this can happen, but it can. What causes it? How...

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Uninsured Eligible Americans

Why are there so many? In the United States, there are nearly 28 million people without health insurance. Did you know that half of these people are eligible to receive it, but don’t? Why is this the case? How can this be rectified? If you don’t have health insurance,...

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Brittle Bone Disease

Why do your bones break so easily? Recently, there was a movie that featured a character whose bones broke very easily, almost as if they were made of glass. While Hollywood does take some liberty with portraying certain condition when being creative, this isn’t one...

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Cellphones & Cancer

Is there a correlation? Most people nowadays have a cellphone and use it almost constantly. There have been some concerns that due to the electromagnetic fields that phones create, you might have a higher risk of developing cancer. How likely is this true? If it is...

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Weather, Season & Health

How are they connected? When you think about weather, you’re most likely concerned with whether or not your need to bring an umbrella or coat with you when you walk out the door. When you think about seasons, you’re probably thinking about the different activities...

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Vaping Sickness

What is it? If you’ve seen the news lately, you’re probably aware of a few hundred people across the country who have experienced vaping sickness. Unfortunately, one person has died from it. The individuals involved are young and healthy, but have a sudden onset of...

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Why is your child's back misaligned? One day you’re looking at your child from across the room and notice that their shoulders seem uneven despite the fact that they look to be standing straight. You walk over and tell them to stand straight while you check their...

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Health News September 2019

-Climate Change Isn’t Just a Global Threat — It’s a Public Health Emergency – TIME
-Which drink is best for hydration? Hint: It isn’t water – CNN
-How the prescriptions doctors wrote may have helped fuel the U.S. opioid crisis – Los Angeles Times
-Dental tourism: A vacation and bargain dentistry to boot – Chicago Tribune
-High Doses of Vitamin D Don’t Strengthen Bones – The New York Times
-Plastic, metal or glass: What’s the best material for a reusable water bottle? – The Washington Post

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How do they work? You’ve probably heard the word, “probiotics” before and know that some foods contain them. Some people take supplements that are comprised of probiotics. Why are they so important? What benefits do you gain by making sure that your body has them?...

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Health Risks at College

What do you need to know? It’s that time of year when college starts. For the freshmen, this is exciting because it’s usually your first chance at living on your own and a sense of taking charge of your life. The experience should definitely be enjoyed! However, there...

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C. Diff

What is it? You’ve been sick recently and just finished the last of your antibiotics. You feel like you’re finally starting to get better when you notice that your stomach is cramping and painful. You go the bathroom and have diarrhea that smells really bad. This...

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Our Book

Health information is confusing. The reason is the use of medical terminology. Every field has words that are technical and specific to it. Unless you are part of that field, you wouldn’t necessarily understand what is being discussed. Healthcare is no different. For...

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Colitis – Podcast

Why is your stomach hurting? You wake up one morning because your stomach is hurting and all of sudden you have an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Once you’re in the bathroom, despite feeling like you need to go, you’re unable to. While you’re in there, you...

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Why is your stomach hurting? You wake up one morning because your stomach is hurting and all of sudden you have an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Once you’re in the bathroom, despite feeling like you need to go, you’re unable to. While you’re in there, you realize...

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CBD Products

What are they supposed to do? You’ve probably noticed that there are CBD shops everywhere. CBD has become increasingly popular within the past few years. Why? What are the benefits of using it? Isn’t CBD from marijuana? So, how can these shops sell it since marijuana...

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Healthcare Cost

Why is it so expensive? If you hear the word healthcare, one of your first thoughts is probably how expensive it is. This is definitely true. The cost of healthcare in the United States is significantly more than that of other countries and some of these countries...

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Crohn’s Disease

What is going on with your stomach? You come to realize that lately you’ve been having stomach pain, diarrhea and are extremely tired. You step on your scale and see that you’ve lost a significant amount of weight. What’s causing this to happen? How do you fix it? Can...

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Evidence Based Practice

Why is it important? When you hear the words evidence-based practice, you assume that means that a doctor, nurse or hospital follows proven treatments on providing the best care to you and everyone else. Is this true? What exactly is evidence-based practice? Does it...

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Health News August 2019

-Do You Need All Those Meds? How To Talk to Your Doctor About Cutting Back – NPR
-New procedure that postpones menopause could also lead to longer fertility – Fox News
-Health insurance companies are useless. Get rid of them – Los Angeles Times
-More than half of younger patients skip or quit blood pressure meds – Chicago Tribune
-FDA Pushes for Graphic Health Warnings on Cigarette Packs – The Wall Street Journal
-How to Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution – The New York Times

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Health Apps

Do they really work? If you’re like most people, you want to improve your health in some way. This could be exercising more, eating better or learning more about a health condition. A tool that you could use to accomplish this is one of the thousands of health apps...

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When should you be concerned? Most of us have at least a few moles because they are fairly common. Typically, they aren’t dangerous. Since it’s summer time, you’re more likely to be in shorts and a T-shirt or a swimsuit, so, it’s a good time to check on your moles....

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Dehydration – Podcast

Why is it so dangerous? Since it’s summer, you’re probably taking advantage of the weather and spending some time outside. While doing this, it’s vital to prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated. Why is this so important? What happens to your body when...

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Body Image

Why do we struggle with it? It has been in the news everywhere in recent months…fat shaming or body shaming. Every celebrity seems to have something to say regarding it. What is body image? Why is fat shaming or body shaming so detrimental? What can we do to stop it?...

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Why is it so dangerous? Since it’s summer, you’re probably taking advantage of the weather and spending some time outside. While doing this, it’s vital to prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated. Why is this so important? What happens to your body when you’re...

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Why do we still do it? Most people have tried a diet at some point during their life. Truthfully, you have probably tried more than one. The results are all usually the same. You might lose weight initially, but as time passes, it is increasingly challenging to...

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Motion Sickness

What causes it? You’re excited because the time for your cruise vacation has finally arrived! You board the ship and it pulls out of port. However, within a very short time, you notice that you don’t feel so good and think you might get throw up. Are you experiencing...

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It is worse for your health than you realize! Pollution and ways to prevent it have been in the news for years. Typically, it makes headlines when some form of it affects the environment or human health. Most of us are aware of how bad pollution is for the...

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Health News July 2019

-Cutting Calories May Improve Your Health Even If You’re Not Trying to Lose Weight – TIME
-How to tell if you’re officially burned out – Fox News
-People in the United States are misusing antibiotics, study says – CNN
-What to do when you have arthritis in your ankles – Miami Herald
-Autism largely caused by genetics, not environment, study finds – Chicago Tribune
-How Much Protein Do You Need a Day? – The Wall Street Journal
-From fish to bacon, a ranking of animal proteins in order of healthfulness – The Washington Post

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Why is it necessary? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been in the news lately as there has been talk of cutting funding and reducing the number of employees. This has brought the EPA to forefront for many Americans that normally wouldn’t give it a second...

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Why is it so bad for your skin? Who doesn’t love being outside in summer? There are so many activities to do. The only problem is that you’re exposed to the sun. While this does have certain health benefits, issues arise when you end up sunburned. Why is this such a...

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever – Podcast

Is it the cause of your rash? You just got back from enjoying a camping trip and notice that you feel tired, your head is throbbing and you feel feverish. You decide to go to bed early hoping that you’ll feel better in the morning. However, when you wake up, you...

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Is it the cause of your rash? You just got back from enjoying a camping trip and notice that you feel tired, your head is throbbing and you feel feverish. You decide to go to bed early hoping that you’ll feel better in the morning. However, when you wake up, you...

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Hep C & Baby Boomers

What do you need to know? When you turn the TV on, there are several commercials that are encouraging Baby Boomers to get tested for Hepatitis C. What is Hep C? If you’re a Baby Boomer, why should you be concerned?   Did you know that if you’re a Baby Boomer,...

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Why won’t it ever be curable? When you consider that worldwide, cancer is one of the leading causes of death and it is something that mankind has known about since Hippocrates was alive (2300 years ago), it is no wonder that we have state-of-the-art medical facilities...

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What is the risk? When you hear the word rabies, you most likely picture an animal that’s foaming at the mouth and is acting crazy. While this can be an accurate description, how concerned should you be about it? How frequently does rabies occur? How is it treated?...

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Should it be legal everywhere? Marijuana is a not a new substance, but the debate about whether or not it should be legal for medical, recreational or both has been gaining more ground on a national level for the past few years. As more and more states are looking at...

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Personalized Medicine

Genetic testing could save your life! Personalized medicine, or genomic medicine, is a new discipline that uses genetic information from an individual as part of their care either in diagnostic or therapeutic decision-making. It also affects health outcomes/policy...

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Lyme Disease

What is it? You’ve spent the day outside enjoying the beautiful summer weather. Unfortunately, after coming inside, you notice that you’ve got a tick latched on to one of your ankles. You remove it, but notice that you still have a small, red bump. What does this...

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Health News June 2019

-U.S. Suicide Rates Are the Highest They’ve Been Since World War II – TIME
-FDA food testing finds contamination by ‘forever chemicals’ – Fox News
-Why frozen fruit and veggies may be better for you than fresh – CNN
-How to protect your mental health from social media: Tips from an expert – Chicago Tribune
-By the Numbers: Vaccines Are Safe – The New York Times
-How binge-watching is hazardous to your health – The Washington Post

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Measles Outbreak

What’s going on? Every time you turn on the news, it seems that the measles outbreak is continuing to spread at an alarming rate as more people are being infected across the country. Why is this happening? How bad are measles to have? Should you be concerned? What can...

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Group Thinking/Mob Mentality

Why is this such a bad idea? From the time we are small, we are encouraged to participate in groups collaborating with other to use critical thinking to come up with important ideas. While this is an important skill to have, there are several things that can go wrong...

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Canker Sores

What are they caused by? One afternoon when you’re having your snack, you notice that there is a small area of your mouth that hurts. By the time you get to dinner, that area is really painful. You look in the mirror and notice a small ulcer in that area of your...

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Gingivitis – Podcast

What's causing your gums to bleed? One evening before you go to bed, you’re brushing your teeth and notice that your gums start bleeding. You rinse your mouth and it stops. The next morning, the same thing happens. What’s causing this? Are you brushing too hard or...

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Mental Health Disorders

Why is there such a stigma? For centuries, people with mental health disorders have been shunned or excluded…that is the best-case scenario. In worst case scenarios, these people were tortured and killed. What is it about mental illness that makes others react so...

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What's causing your gums to bleed? One evening before you go to bed, you’re brushing your teeth and notice that your gums start bleeding. You rinse your mouth and it stops. The next morning, the same thing happens. What’s causing this? Are you brushing too hard or is...

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Social Media & Relationships

Is there a disconnect? Most of us use social media not only every day but several times throughout the day. Some of us are even on it for hours at a time. We are definitely more connected to people that we might never have met without social media and that is a great...

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Abscessed Tooth

What's wrong with your tooth? You wake up one morning and notice that one of your teeth is sore and while you’re drinking your coffee, it hurts. As the day goes on, the area starts to have a throbbing pain and it hurts to eat. You call your dentist and are told to...

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Health News May 2019

-Why Ditching Processed Foods Won’t Be Easy — The Barriers To Cooking From Scratch – NPR
-Self Improvement Might Sound Healthy. But There’s a Downside to Wanting to Change – TIME
-The DNA diet: How knowing your genes can help you fit into your jeans – CNN
-Sleep Apnea Can Have Deadly Consequences – The New York Times
-More younger women are having heart attacks. Here are steps to minimize your risk. – The Washington Post

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Food Recalls

Why are there so many? You expect your food to be safe, but it seems whenever you read the news there is some sort of food recall. Why is this happening? Is the safety of the food supply deteriorating? Are the agencies that monitor and enforce the food safety...

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What's causing those sores? One morning, your child wakes up and you notice that they have small red blisters underneath their nose. A day or so later, you notice that the blisters opened and there seems to be a crust formed over the top of the area. You take your...

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Super Drug Resistant STDs

What should you be concerned about? Sure, we all know STDs aren’t something you want and, hopefully, you take all possible precautions to prevent contracting one. This is especially important because it has recently come to light that there are certain STDs that are...

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Why is it so bad? Everywhere you look there is plastic. It’s used for everything from our cellphones to storage containers to pens to toothbrushes and much, much more. While it can definitely be useful, we are starting to realize just how much of a problem it is...

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Diaper Rash

Why does it occur? If you have kids, there’s a good chance that at some point, they’ll probably have a diaper rash. Many parents try to prevent it from happening. Unfortunately, it can still happen despite your best efforts. What causes a diaper rash to happen? How is...

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Alternative Treatments

Do they really work? Modern medicine has only been in existence since the early 19th century. Prior to that, there were treatments available, but many have been proven to be ineffective due to the developments in science and technology. However, in recent years the...

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Health News April 2019

-Major study debunks myth that moderate drinking can be healthy – Fox News
-Particulate pollution in the air we breathe kills thousands a year, study finds – CNN
-Under-the-tongue allergy pills replacing shots for many – Chicago Tribune
-Congress Looks to Tackle Surprise Medical Bills – The Wall Street Journal
-Eat Less Meat, Live Longer? – The New York Times

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Colic – Podcast

Why is your baby crying? Sure, babies cry…a lot! That’s their way of communicating their needs. Usually once they are fed or had a diaper change, they calm down. What happens if they don’t stop crying? No matter what you do, it doesn’t seem to make a difference....

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Why is your baby crying? Sure, babies cry…a lot! That’s their way of communicating their needs. Usually once they are fed or had a diaper change, they calm down. What happens if they don’t stop crying? No matter what you do, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Your...

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Honesty with Your Doctor

Why does it matter? We all know that the significance of being honest in any relationship, whether it’s with your significant other, family members, boss or co-workers. However, the person you should definitely always be honest with is your doctor. Why is this so...

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Are the things that you're seeing or hearing real? Every day we rely on our senses to provide us with information. So, if we see or hear something, we believe it to be true. What if what you’re seeing or hearing isn’t real? For people with schizophrenia, they truly...

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Work & Your Health

What's the impact? You spend a significant amount of your time at work, which means it greatly impacts your health. The outcomes can be positive or negative. How do you determine which one your experiencing? What can you do to create more positive results?   In...

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Veterans Healthcare

What needs to improve? For many years, the healthcare system for our veterans has been under fire for have numerous problems and providing inadequate care. Considering what these brave men and women sacrifice while serving our country this is definitely unacceptable....

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Why do you keep throwing up? Some people may think that bulimia is the opposite of anorexia because people who have it tend to eat a large amount of food and are larger in physical size than those with anorexia. While this can be true, people with bulimia often throw...

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Plastic Surgery Abroad

Is it a good idea? There is no question that plastic surgery is expensive and, in most cases, it isn’t covered by health insurance. Since the cost is coming directly out of your own pocket, it would be nice to save some money where possible, right? This has led many...

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Anorexia Nervosa – Podcast

Are you "really" fat? For most of us, we can tell when we are overweight and could lose a few pounds. We also know when we’re at a healthier weight. For people with anorexia nervosa, their perceptive of weight doesn’t match their physical size. These individuals...

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Anorexia Nervosa

Are you "really" fat? For most of us, we can tell when we are overweight and could lose a few pounds. We also know when we’re at a healthier weight. For people with anorexia nervosa, their perceptive of weight doesn’t match their physical size. These individuals are...

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Center for Disease Control

What's its role? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) seems to be constantly in the news. It can be related to food safety concerns, epidemics or environmental threats. With all this information being shared, it can make many people wonder what is the...

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Health News March 2019

-Sleeping in on weekends causes weight gain risks, research shows – Fox News
-The common exercise mistakes you are probably making right now – CNN
-Measles vaccine doesn’t cause autism, says a new, decade-long study of half a million people – Chicago Tribune
-Fighting Breast Cancer Without Surgery – The Wall Street Journal
-Supplements Won’t Prevent Dementia. But These Steps Might. – The New York Times

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Arteriovenous Malformation

How serious is it? An arteriovenous malformation involves an abnormality of the smallest part of your circulatory system, the capillaries. For most people, it isn’t something that you have to think about, let alone worry about. If you do have one, why should you be...

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Genetic Edited Babies

Where do we draw the line? With the recent announcement of a scientist who genetically edited babies, controversy has been plentiful. If you haven’t followed the story too closely, you might be wondering many things. What exactly happened? Why does it matter? What...

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PrEP (HIV Medication)

How does it work? Did you know that there is a medication available to help prevent you from developing HIV? Probably not. Given how devastating the disease used to be and how life altering it still is, one would think that this ability to prevent the transmission of...

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Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome

What is it? Congenital conditions are those that people are born with. Some are obvious and some are not. Some are serious and some are not. What is Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome? How do you find out if you have it? How is it treated? Is there anything you can do to...

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GMO Products

Are they bad for you? GMO products seem to be making the news more and more. Did you know that they’ve been around for years? So, is the media attention just hype or is it really a concern? What exactly are they? Why does it matter? Should you be worried about...

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Pulmonary Hypertension – Podcast

Why is this a problem? When you hear the word hypertension, you probably know that it means high blood pressure. Usually, blood pressure is related to your heart and cardiovascular system. Pulmonary hypertension is not different in this regard, but it also involves...

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Pulmonary Hypertension

Why is this a problem? When you hear the word hypertension, you probably know that it means high blood pressure. Usually, blood pressure is related to your heart and cardiovascular system. Pulmonary hypertension is not different in this regard, but it also involves...

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Soda Tax

Does it work? Who doesn’t love to have a nice, cold soda on warm day? Going to the movies and not getting a soda with your popcorn just doesn’t seem right. However, over the past several years, several cities have passed laws that increase the amount tax that is being...

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Health News February 2019

-FDA targets illegally marketed dietary supplements – CNN
-Bacteria May Offer New Hope for Treating Skin Disorders – The Wall Street Journal
-Obesity Tied to Higher Cancer Rates in Younger People – The New York Times
-Considering a medical alert device? Here’s what you should know before buying. – The Washington Post

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Why is your child coughing? There is no question that kids get sick. Sometimes, it’s just a sniffle or a stomach bug, but other times, it can be more serious. When you child has a cough, how do you determine when it’s critical? You’ve probably heard of croup, but what...

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Child Car Seats

Why does size and position matter? Everyone loves their child and wants what’s best for them. So, when it comes to their safety while riding in the car, you have a car seat specifically designed for them. Depending on the age and size of your child, the type of car...

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Stimulant Epidemic

Is this the next drug problem? We all know about the opioid epidemic. Hopefully, we’re starting to make some progress in combating it. Did you know that we are also in the midst of a stimulant epidemic? How is this the case? Why is this so concerning? What should we...

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Why is it so dangerous? When you hear the word tuberculosis you probably don’t think much about it. You probably know that it can be a serious respiratory infection, but how do you get it? Did you know that some people are carriers of it but don’t have any symptoms?...

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Celebrity Fads

Are they really good for your health? Celebrities always seem to be endorsing a product, diet or exercise routine. Given the power of social media now, these endorsements are constantly being placed in front of us. It doesn’t matter if they truly believe in what...

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Pertussis – Podcast

Why is it so dangerous? Recently, there have been several commercials on TV advertising for adults to get the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. In the commercial, they show grandparents interacting with their grandkids and talk about the dangers whooping cough can...

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Why is it so dangerous? Recently, there have been several commercials on TV advertising for adults to get the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. In the commercial, they show grandparents interacting with their grandkids and talk about the dangers whooping cough can...

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Are they good for your health? After a long and stressful day at work, all you want to do is go home and relax. The minute you walk in the door, you are greeted by your dog. She is so happy to see you that her body is shaking with excitement. You set down your...

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Health News January 2019

-Could Exercising In Frigid Temperatures Make Us Healthier? – NPR
-Being Bored Can Be Good for You — If You Do It Right. Here’s How – TIME
-When it comes to breathing during exercise, you’re probably doing it wrong – Chicago Tribune
-Opposed to G.M.O.s? How Much Do You Know About Them? – The New York Times
-Marijuana gives you the munchies. What about CBD? – The Washington Post

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Nosebleed – Podcast

What's going on with your nose? You’re sitting at home watching your favorite TV show while having a snack when the next thing you know, you feel a warm trickle coming out of your nose running down your face. You go to brush it away with your hand and notice that...

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What's going on with your nose? You’re sitting at home watching your favorite TV show while having a snack when the next thing you know, you feel a warm trickle coming out of your nose running down your face. You go to brush it away with your hand and notice that it...

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Portion Size

Why more is not better? Everywhere you look, there are signs to “Supersize” or “Value Size” your order of food. When you go out to dinner at a sit-down restaurant, the plate your food is served on is huge and it is usually piled with food. When did portion sizes...

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Weight Loss

Why is it so hard? We all know that feeling when you go to put on your jeans for the first time of the season and they seem to be snugger than you remember. Your first thought is you must’ve gain weight. So, you decide to go on a diet. It works…you lose a couple of...

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Instant Gratification

Why is it such a problem? We live in a society where when we want something, we can have it almost instantaneously. If you don’t know something, pull out your phone and look it up. If you need a gift for someone, order it online and have it shipped to their house and...

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Health History

Why do you need to know it? Given the number of people who have health problems, it would be easy to assume that these individuals would be well versed in their health history. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case in the majority of situations. Health history is vital...

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Drug Abuse

How do you know if you have problem? Every time you see the news, there seems to be at least one story about the opioid epidemic. Since this has been going on for a few years and we are making minimal progress towards correcting it, it brings forth many questions. Why...

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Global Health

Why does it matter? When we think of health, it’s usually in relation to our own or someone we care about. Occasionally, when a larger scale event happens, such as a really bad flu season or the opioid epidemic, we think of it in broader terms. While this is good, we...

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How much do you really need? Exercise is beneficial for your health, so the more you do the better your health will be, right? Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. It’s actually possible to exercise too much. What is over-exercising? What happens to your body when you...

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Health News December 2018

-The Future of HIV Treatment Might Not Involve Pills – TIME
-Risk of breast cancer may increase after giving birth, study says – Fox News
-Depression, alcoholism often an unbearable combination – Miami Herald
-New E.P.A. Plan Could Free Coal Plants to Release More Mercury Into the Air – The New York Times

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Food Borne Illness

What is the best way to stay safe? With the holiday season upon us, there is bound to be parties, dinners and get-togethers. What is the main thing that these have in common? Food. No question that it can be very enjoyable to share a nice meal with family and friends....

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Dr. Internet

Are there risks to looking up health information online? The sheer volume of information on the internet can be very beneficial. When you don’t know something, it’s incredibly easy to go type it into a search engine and the next thing you know, you’ve got thousands of...

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Saving Lives

What happens if we’re only prolonging death? You have probably experienced, or know someone who has experienced, t