What could be wrong with your castle? “Your home is your castle,” but what happens when your...
Demystifying Your Health 2017
Car Safety
What could go wrong? When you hear the words car safety, most likely you think of what it takes to...
Food Safety
How do you keep your food safe? We have all been there are some point where you are feeling fine...
Rectal Bleeding
Is it serious? You’re going to the bathroom and when you finish, you notice that there is blood on...
Bariatric Surgery
How does it work? You have probably heard the term “Gastric Bypass” or “Lap Band” before, but what...
That sudden urge to go! It doesn’t matter where you are or what you are doing, but when that...
Why can’t you go? You’re in the bathroom on the toilet and no matter how hard you try, you aren’t...
Bowel Obstruction
What happens when you can’t go? You have probably been constipated at some point during your life,...
Why do you have one? We have all seen on television the person being rushed to the operating room...
What is its role? Your pancreas is vital to your body’s ability to function. Without out, you...
Why is it important? Your spleen is a small organ that is important to your body’s ability to...
What does it do? You’ve probably know that you have a gallbladder but what does it do? Why is it...
Is it serious? Hepatitis has been all over the media lately, particularly in television...
What is wrong with your liver? You’ve probably heard the word “cirrhosis” at some point,...
What does that bump mean? You sneeze, just like you normally would, but this time you feel...
How do you stop your reflux? You just finished dinner and are relaxing in your favorite chair when...
What is wrong with your stomach? You were out with your friends and had a great dinner. Now, that...
Patient Rights
What do you need to know? When seeking medical help, did you know that as a patient you have...
Athlete’s Foot
Why is your foot itching? You notice that there is a small rash between your toes as you put your...
Why does your back hurt? You wake up, get out of bed and all of a sudden you have sharp pain in...
Skin Cancer
What does that spot mean? You’re taking a shower and notice that you have a spot on your skin that...
Heat Stroke
Yes, it is an emergency! When summer is here, it’s great to be outside enjoying the weather....
Heat Exhaustion
Why is your body so hot? As much as you might love being outside in summer, heat is something that...
Heat Cramps
How bad can they be? Who doesn’t love being outside enjoying summer weather! However, one thing...
Where are they hiding? You’re out hiking in the woods or maybe you’re in your backyard playing...
Water Safety
Are you ready? Summer is here and after being cooped up all winter, it is time to lather up the...
Grief & Children
How to help them cope! While experiencing grief yourself is unpleasant, having to explain your...
Is what you're feeling "normal"? If you have ended a relationship, been diagnosed with a terminal...
Finding the Right Doctor
Who is the best fit for you? When it comes time to pick out a doctor, the task can seem...
Over-the-Counter Medicine
What do you need to know? You’re at the pharmacy because you aren’t feeling well and need...
Vitamins, minerals, herbals: What’s the difference? Supplements are in the news everywhere you...
Diabetic Retinopathy
How does diabetes effect your eyes? You probably know that diabetes effects your blood sugar...
Diabetic Neuropathy
How does diabetes effect your nerves? You notice that lately your legs and feet have been numb and...
What purpose does it serve? When you are out running errands, you have probably seen signage for...
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Why is your blood sugar so high? If you have diabetes, you are monitoring your blood sugar...
Are they a normal part of aging? You are trying to read the latest book and notice that it is...
Is it an emergency? Recently, you’ve noticed that there seems to be certain places in your field...
Vision Changes
When should you be concerned? You probably know at least one person who as they got older, needed...
What is going on with your body? You might have heard of tennis elbow, swimmer’s shoulder or...
Carpal Tunnel
Why does your wrist hurt? You’re at home typing away on your computer and you notice that your...
Strain vs Sprain
What is the difference? You’re running into your house to get out of a rain storm that suddenly...
Annoying or life-threatening? When you hear the word allergies, you probably think of sneezing,...
Vaping vs Smoking
Is there a difference? You’ve heard the term vaping before and know that it’s something similar to...
How life-threatening is it? Aneurysms aren’t something we can see just by looking at ourselves in...
Peripheral Artery Disease
Why are your legs swollen? One day you are at the grocery store and notice that your legs are...
Why is your chest hurting? You’re walking up the flight of stairs in your house just like you’ve...
High Cholesterol
How high is too high? You have just gotten the results back from your latest blood work and it...
It's not just how you look! Obesity…everywhere you turn, it’s in the news. With the issue of “body...
What is going on inside your head? You are sitting at your dining room table eating dinner when...
What is going on with your head? At some point or another, you have probably felt dizzy. This...
What is going on with your body? One day you wake up and notice that body is hurting all over and...
Why don't you care anymore? Everyone feels unhappy at some point or another, but what happens when...