COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Key Things You Should Know

Latest COVID-19 Articles


Issues with MLB and COVID Leave Many Wondering How to Reopen. Also, A Look at The New Relief Package and How Young People are Infecting Family Members as Top Official Says Government Didn’t Recognize Threat from Europe Soon Enough

The big question on everyone’s mind is how to reopen? Major League Baseball (MLB) tried starting their season this week, but the number of players and support staff testing positive for COVID-19 exploded. This has led many to question that if pro sports teams and...

Promising Vaccine Enter New Phase of Trials, But How Long Will Protection Last as Officials Say It’s Taking Too Long to Get Testing Results and Are Looking for a Better Option

This morning, two large-scale clinical trials for vaccines against COVID-19 began. The first is from Moderna in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health. It has 30,000 participants throughout our country. Pfizer is conducting the other with 30,000 members...

Trump Shifts on Masks and Indicates Virus Will Get Worse While Study Shows Americans are Still Lacking Widespread Immunity, CDC Updates Guidelines and Rate of Hospitalizations Almost to Level Seen in April

Yesterday, in a press conference, President Trump recognized that the coronavirus pandemic is becoming worse and would like to continue to do so. “It will probably, unfortunately, get worse before it gets better,” he said. He also endorsed the use of masks, which is a...

Unpublished White House Report Indicates Stricter Rules are Needed as Mask Mandates Increase But Growing Wait Times for Test Results are Delaying Response and We’re Failing to Stop the Virus

In an unpublished report from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, the officials recommend that at least the 18 hardest-hit states, such as California, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma and Texas, should be putting into place tougher measures, like mask mandates, and...